Code of Conduct

It is a condition of your employment that you comply at all times with the following Code of Conduct. Our business is customer service, and our customers will rightly judge us on the behaviour and appearance of our colleagues.

General Personal Conduct

As colleagues of Kew Green Hotels we share a common responsibility to protect our reputation for integrity. We must always demonstrate our commitment to the highest standards of ethics and professional behaviour in our dealings with our guests, business colleagues, local communities, investors and each other.

We ask you to use this Code to help you make the right decisions and to raise any concerns or questions you may have about your conduct or that of others, through your Line Manager.

All colleagues should behave in a way that reflects well on both the Company and themselves:

    • All forms of discrimination, harassment and victimisation are unacceptable.

    • All forms of harassment and bullying, whether physical, sexual, psychological or verbal are unacceptable.

    • We will demonstrate dignity and respect for others at all times.

    • We will value the equality and diversity of our colleagues.

    • We will act with integrity at all times.

    • We will avoid the use of bad language in the workplace.

    • The Company has the expectation that colleagues will speak in English at all times whilst at work unless engaging with a customer in their native language.

Those working at a management level have a specific responsibility to set an appropriate standard of behaviour, to lead by example and to ensure that those they manage adhere to the policies and procedures, and promote our aims and objectives with regard to our code of conduct.

Dress and Appearance

Our guests and customer’s expectations are extremely high. The way you present yourself is a measure of our image, it is therefore important that you are appropriately dressed and look smart at all times whilst on duty.

Uniforms will be provided to the majority of colleagues in accordance with brand specific requirements. As a part of the Kew Green Family, you have a personal responsibility in relation to your uniform and we have a Dress and Appearance procedure in place to ensure that these responsibilities are clear. This should have been issued to you within your new starter pack but can also be found here.

Failure to comply with the ‘Dress and Appearance Policy' may result in action being taken against you under our disciplinary policy and procedure.

Social Events

At KGH we like to show our appreciation for the work that our colleagues do for the Company by running social events from time to time. Although such social events usually take place away from the workplace and outside of normal working hours, the Company's standard code of conduct applies to such events. Whilst we do not wish to put a dampener on colleagues enjoyment of social events, it is in everyone's interests to impose certain rules of conduct for the protection and comfort of all...

    • You should consume alcohol only in moderation at work-related social events, irrespective of whether the Company provides or pays for the drinks.

    • No colleagues under the of legal age can consume alcohol.

    • It is strictly forbidden for any member of staff to use illegal drugs, including cannabis, at any work-related social event whether on Company premises or not.

    • The Company's policy on harassment/bullying applies to work-related social events.

    • You should not say or do anything at a work-related social event that could offend, intimidate, embarrass or upset any other person, whether as a joke or not.

    • Swearing and offensive or inappropriate language are unacceptable at any time within your working environment, including at work-related social events outside of your normal working hours.

    • You must not behave in any way at any work-related social event that could bring the Company's name into disrepute.

    • If scheduled to work after a work-related social event, you must not put yourself or others at risk by still being under the influence of alcohol.

    • Failing to report for work as rostered or lateness after a work-related social event may be treated as unauthorised absence and subject to disciplinary action.

Any breach of these rules of conduct will be regarded as misconduct, leading to disciplinary action up to and including summary dismissal.