Health and Safety

Health and Safety Statement

The Company is committed to providing a safe working environment for all of our colleagues and for those who visit and stay in the premises that we own and manage.

It is our aim to create a positive safety culture in all areas of our business and encourage you to participate in recognising and eliminating risks to health and safety.

We firmly believe that the effective management of health and safety is an integral part of our business and that by minimising risks to our colleagues and others we will improve our overall performance.

Health and safety is largely dependent upon your cooperation and you have a duty to:

  • take reasonable precautions in safeguarding the health and safety of yourself and others;

  • observe all health and safety rules and procedures as laid down by the Company and use all health and safety equipment provided; and

  • Alert management to any potential hazard that you notice and report any accidents or incidents that may have occurred.

The names of colleagues responsible for health and safety issues are displayed on a poster in your Heart of House.

Food Safety

Food handling colleagues are reminded that part of their responsibilities is to ensure that the food we prepare and serve to our customers is safe and wholesome.

Food safety training will be given as part of the induction process. It is your responsibility to ensure you continuously exercise the disciplines learnt when food is being handled or prepared.

If you have symptoms of a stomach disorder, diarrhoea or vomiting, this must be reported to your Line Manager immediately.

If you identify a food safety hazard, you must report this to your Line Manager as soon as possible.

Fire Safety

You will be given training on fire safety on your first day which will include being shown the fire exits and fire evacuation point. Refresher training will be carried out twice a year and the Company will carry out regular fire drills.

First Aid

A first aider is someone who was undertaken training and holds a valid certificate of competence. If you're not sure who your first aiders are... have a look at your Heart of House! First aid kits are available in each property and any accidents should be reported and logged in the Accident Book available at Reception.

Manual Handling

  • Don't lift or handle more than you can easily manage - if in doubt, get help!

  • Think before you lift - plan the lift, use appropriate handling aids, consider resting the load mid-way to change grip and ensure you vision is not obstructed.

  • Check that the area to where you intend to move the load is clear and not obstructed - remove any obstructions and open any doors on your route in preparation.

  • Adopt a stable position and maintain balance.

  • Ensure you have a good hold on the load - use your whole hand, not just your fingertips. Keep the load close to your waist for as long as possible. Keep the heaviest side of the load closest to your body.

  • Start in a good posture - slightly bend your back, hips and knees.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We will provide and maintain suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) when there are risks to your health and safety that cannot be controlled by other means.

We will provide you with information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure you understand the purpose of the PPE, the risks that it protects against, the manner in which it should be used and how to maintain the equipment.

Please report any damage or defects to the equipment to your Line Manager immediately.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

We will ensure that health risks associated with hazardous substances are assessed and that exposure to substances hazardous to health is prevented, or where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.

We will provide you with information, instruction, training and supervision regarding the control of substances hazardous to health and the associated hazards.

You should make proper use of any equipment and systems of work provided for your safety.

We will ensure that arrangements are in place to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies related to the presence of substances hazardous to health in your workplace.