Absence (Short Term)

The Company is committed to measuring absence levels and distinguishes between absence due to a long-term illness and short-term absence. Short, frequent and usually unplanned absences are more disruptive than longer absences and can create serious operational difficulties. Such absences make it difficult for managers to plan workloads effectively and put additional pressure on other colleagues. A formal procedure is in place to monitor and manage persistent short-term absence. Falsification of sickness absence is a serious disciplinary matter, which could result in dismissal.

Absence Reporting


Should you be unable to attend your shift, you should telephone your line manager a minimum of two hours before the start of your shift. You must contact your line manager as soon as possible if you will be late for work.

You should make this call yourself (except where this is not physically possible, e.g. in hospital or for a reason related to a disability). Advising of absence by text message / email / social networking websites (or any other method other than direct conversation) is not an acceptable form of communication.

If a medical practitioner has not signed you off work, you must call the hotel or office DAILY for a period of seven days to keep your line manager updated.


If you are absent for more than seven days, a medical certificate from the doctor must be provided to your line manager confirming the cause and duration of the sickness absence and confirming fitness to return to work. If you do not provide the relevant documentation, your absence will be considered unauthorised.

Failure to follow the agreed procedure or provide the required documentation may result in sick pay being withheld until documentation is received or disciplinary action being considered in line with the Company Disciplinary procedure.

Any medical certificate should be in English and be provided by a GP or another UK registered medical practitioner. If this is not possible (for example, because you were abroad during the sickness absence), then you should take all practicable steps to obtain a certificate in English. If the reason for the absence and / or your likely date of return is not clear as the certificate is not in English, the Company may withhold the entitlement to sick pay until a translated certificate or a certificate from the GP is provided.

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

All permanent colleagues are entitled to SSP after three days of absence – the first three days are classed as ‘waiting days’ when no SSP payment is made. SSP is payable for a total absence of 28 weeks.

SSP will only be payable if you follow the correct reporting procedure and provide the appropriate documentation.

Occasionally you will need to retain the certificate which corresponds with the expiration of entitlement to payments of Statutory Sick Pay. This is normally for the purposes of claiming a state benefit.

Illness Whilst at Work

If you become ill whilst at work you should report this to your line manager. If necessary, your line manager will arrange for you to be accompanied home and / or to receive medical treatment if necessary. You will be paid for the total hours worked on this day, however, this day will be treated as a period of absence.

If you are unable to do any work that day this would, for the purposes of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) count as the first day of illness.

Sickness and Annual Leave

If you become sick whilst on annual leave or are absent due to sickness when you are due to take annual leave, you will be regarded as on sick leave providing the absence is covered by a medical certificate and that you have followed the absence reporting procedure detailed above. In this situation, you will be entitled to take the outstanding leave at a later date, normally before the end of the current leave year.

If you are sick immediately prior to a period of approved booked leave you can request a postponement of your leave prior to the date on which it is due to commence. If approved, any medically certified sickness absence is treated as sickness. The Company reserve the right to request evidence of cancelled holiday arrangements.

Trigger Point Attendance Management System

Your timekeeping and attendance levels are recorded and monitored by your Line Manager for all periods of absence.

The Trigger Point Attendance Management System is designed to ensure that attendance levels and timekeeping issues are regularly reviewed. A Trigger Point can be reached considering any combination of absence and lateness. Each example under the heading 'Trigger Points' counts as one trigger in the system.

Maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental leave, or disability will be discounted when considering whether a trigger has been reached.

Your Line Manager will take into account the individual circumstances of your case which has triggered a response, when deciding what action to take. Consideration will be given to the frequency, duration and reason for the absence and any concerns will be discussed at your return to work interview.

Trigger Points

  • 3 separate periods of absences/lateness in a rolling 6-month period

  • 4 separate periods of absences/lateness in a rolling 12-month period

  • A total combination of 8 days self-certified absence in the previous rolling 12 months

  • Calling in absent prior to/after a period of annual leave

  • Not following the absence reporting procedure

Where appropriate the Company may ask you to consent to a medical report being requested from your GP and/or Occupational Health in relation to the condition which has caused your absence. This will only be done with your permission. This request will ensure the Company is fully informed of all circumstances relating to your sickness absence, prior to taking any action. Any such request will be made with the appropriate provisions of the access to Medical Reports Act 1988, and the Company will bear the cost of the provision of such a report.

If any such report fails to show any underlying cause for the absences, or if, following a full investigation, there is reason to believe that the sickness absence procedure has been abused, the matter may be dealt with in accordance with the Company’s Disciplinary procedure.

Attendance Review Meetings


An informal attendance review will be completed if you reach one of the trigger points detailed in the Trigger Point Attendance Management System. The purpose of this meeting is to:

  • Highlight that your attendance levels and/or timekeeping have reached a trigger point, discuss reasons and improvement required;

  • Identify any support that you require including any disability-related adjustments which need to be considered and/or any parental leave requirements;

  • Ensure you are aware of the Trigger Point Attendance Management system and that reaching further trigger points may result in disciplinary action being considered in line with steps 2-4 detailed below;

  • Review previous return to work interviews where relevant;

  • Improve future attendance levels;

  • A letter of concern may be issued depending on the circumstances.


Should there be two or more further occasions of absence in the next six months an investigation will be conducted with you relating to your absence. This could lead to disciplinary action being taken against you, the outcome of which could be a first written warning which stays on your file for a period of six months.


Should there be two or more further occasions of absence in the next six months following a first written warning, an investigation will be conducted with you relating to your absence. This could lead to disciplinary action being taken against you, the outcome of which could be a final written warning (on file for a period of twelve months)


Should there be two or more further occasions of absence in the next six month period or three or more further occasions in the next twelve month period, following a final written warning, an investigation will be conducted with you relating to your absence. This could lead to disciplinary action being taken, the outcome of which could be dismissal.

Elective Surgery

If you are undergoing elective surgery, please inform your Line Manager and provide a statement from a qualified medical practitioner that your surgery has been approved and states the likely duration of your recovery. For further information on elective surgery, please contact your Line Manager.