Computer Programming

What Computer Programmers Do

Computer programmers write and test code that allows computer applications and software programs to function properly.

Work Environment

Programmers usually work in offices, most commonly in the computer systems design and related services industry.

Training Programs at MTECH

MTECH Intro to Programming Prerequisite

90 Hours 

This course is a college-level first course in computing. It takes a fairly traditional approach, emphasizing problem solving, design, and programming as the core skills of computer science. However, these ideas are illustrated using a non-traditional language, namely JavaScript.

This course has a single overarching goal: to introduce fundamental computer science concepts as simply as possible without being simplistic. Using JavaScript is central to this goal. JavaScript is very flexible and makes experimentation easy. Solutions to simple problems are simply and elegantly expressed.

MTECH Web Programming and Development CP

903 Hours

The Web Programming and Development program introduces the fundamental concepts of building web applications and providing comprehensive coverage of both client-side and server-side development. Students will receive the skills and knowledge to build engaging, interactive user experiences on the web as a front-end web developer. By the end of this course, students will have knowledge, confidence, and skills to be entry-level to junior-level web developers in today’s job market. 

Training Programs at SLCC

SLCC Computer Programming CA

255 Clock Hours

The student will be introduced to different programming languages. Students will discover the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging/troubleshooting and maintaining the source code of computer programs. Students will create programs that produces a certain desired behavior in various labs. 

SLCC Web Programmer CP

765 Hours

This program covers basic and advanced scripting and programming skills needed to create web sites and applications that are dynamic, data-driven, and interactive. The courses include techniques to build web sites that ensure functionality, security, and ease of use. Instruction includes debugging, validating, cookies, sessions, server and client-side issues. The Web Programmer certificate is designed to provide you with comprehensive training in scripting, software applications, and skills to prepare you for employment doing web programming tasks in a variety of organizational settings.

SLCC Web Programming and Development CP

16 Credits

This emphasis is for professional careers in the Web Programming and Development area of the information systems field. Fundamentals of business as well as technical skills are emphasized, in order to utilize Web Programming and Development effectively in a business environment. The “business to consumer” and “business to business” paradigms are explored. Graduates are trained in the technical aspects of website management, preparation, development and implementation. 

SLCC Front End Web Programmer CA

465 Clock Hours

This program is designed to prepare students for future employment in the Web Programming industry as a Web Developer. This program will introduce the student to the exciting world of Back-end programming to create effective interactive web sites. In this program the student will come to master the software required, and programming skills to create, maintain and edit web sites. This program along with teaching basic technical skills will also teach the students computer concepts, job-seeking skills. 

Training Programs at UVU

UVU Programmer CC

30 Credits

The program introduces the students to basic, entry level programming.