Non-Destructive Testing

What Non-Destructive Technicians Do

NDT technicians, also known as nondestructive testing technicians, utilize a variety of technologies to inspect products and materials for structural flaws. This can include a wide range of techniques, including radiography, ultrasound, current testing, and permeability testing. NDT technicians perform these tests on many different materials, most notably welded metal and concrete.

Training Programs at SLCC

SLCC Non-Destructive Testing AAS

5 semesters

The Non-Destructive Testing program offers students the opportunity for a career in a progressive new field with many diverse job opportunities and excellent entry-level salaries.

Non-destructive testing involves the examination of an object in any manner that will not impair its future usefulness. The six major NDT methods, radiography, ultrasonics, eddy current, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, and visual inspection, are used in a variety of industries including aerospace, petro-chemical, automotive, metals, non-metals, nuclear, marine, electronics, construction, aircraft, materials joining, utilities and many others. Students learn to perform the basic testing techniques on both metals and non-metals, such as synthetics and composites, as well as how to evaluate results and write final reports. Learning will be enhanced through field trips to area businesses and presentations by guest speakers.

During the first two semesters in NDT, the training will focus on basic manufacturing and materials-joining processes, including visual inspection, magnetic particles and liquid penetrant techniques. The third and fourth semesters will include eddy current, radiography and ultrasonics. The third and fourth semesters are dedicated to advanced study of these testing methods as well as computer application in NDT.