Certified Electronics Technician

What Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians Do

Electrical and electronic engineering technologists and technicians help engineers design and develop equipment that is powered by electricity or electric current.

Work Environment

Electrical and electronic engineering technologists and technicians work on teams with electrical engineers. They may work in offices, laboratories, or factories. Most work full time.

Training Programs at SLCC

SLCC Certified Electronics Technician (KETL)

669 Clock Hours 

This Core Electronics program will provide the valued skills set required by industries involved in all aspects of the sector, such as: manufacturing, medical, building automation, aviation, service, maintenance, and renewable energy. The student will be able to demonstrate proficiency in circuit concepts, electrical theory, calculations, circuit and component characteristics, circuit construction, test/measurements, schematics, troubleshooting, instrumentation and analysis, as they relate to CORE fundamentals.