Our english experience

dalla redazione

This school year, a group of 28 students attending the last years of different courses of study at ITI Renato Elia, experimented with great success a partnership with a class of a french technical high school, the Louis Vincent Lycee from Metz,near Paris. 

This virtual relationship,developed through e-mails, social networks,videocalls and online meetings,helped us, first of all,to communicate and practise english as a mutual second language. Thanks to this experience,then,we all have improved our english fluency,pronunciation and speaking skills,as well as we made new friends to stay in touch to. 

During the meetings we also exchanged information about our living towns, their facilities and touristic attractions, and we updated about the progresses of our technical topics and works developed with the teachers during the schools year. 

Unfortunately, because of the covid emergency, we couldn't plan a trip to meet in person at the end of the project but, as we all became friends, we are going to do it in the next future. We enjoyed so much this partnership and we hope other students will experience it in the new years too.