88-77 Dons Defeat the Spartans

David Tarazon walks the deck after warmups

Two Well Matched Teams Duke It Out 

Welcome back to swim season, parents and friends. If you are new to swimming, or need a refresher on scoring, click the links and when you come back, this will make more sense. The Dons only dropped three events in this preseason warmup, and although our top four swimmers were successful and racked up the points, this victory goes to our second and third seeded swimmers, who consistently took points away from the Spartans.

 The Dons' relay teams took 1st place in 2 of 3 events, for a 22-20 total. In the events that we dropped (200 Free and and 200 IM), points went 7-23 in favor of the Spartans. In the three events we did the best (50 Free, 100, Free, and 500 Free) the score favored us 33-14. The remaining three events would be a close 26-20. It sounds like a lot, but over three events, that averages out to a 9-7 win. The Spartans only swept one event, the 200 IM. This was Daniel Bautista's first Varsity swim in the 200IM, and it was a strong effort and good technique that kept him from being Disqualified (DQ'd) and losing 2 important points for the team.

Individual points for today's meet (total points won/total points possible)

David Tarazon & Michael Matchan (28 /28 points), Jay Vera (26/28), Jeremy Alonso (21/28), Vincent Mejia (18/26), Gio Cabrera & Daniel Bautista (8/26), Gio Eguao (6/22), Ismael Juarez (4/22), Nico Gonzalez (2/14), Issac Esqueda (2/16), Robert Robles (2/22), and Fausto Gonzalez (1/14).

Special congratulations to the following swimmers that made top-3 in all of their events:

David Tarazon and Michael Matchan (4 first places)

Jay Vera (3 firsts and 1 second)

Jeremy Alonso (2 firsts, 1 second, and 1 third)

Vincent Mejia (1 first, 1 second, and 2 thirds)


Varsity v Schurr

JV vs Schurr

Freshman first meet ends in 26-94 loss

Four brand new freshman with no experience made the team this year. After about 6 weeks of training, they had their very first swim meet. Until they better learn the competative strokes, their events will consist of freestyle... with the exception of Fernando Antonio! Fernando has shown a lot of promise in the 50 Fly. In yesterday's meet, he managed not to DQ and take second place.