
Junior David Tarazon had a good 2023 Del Rio Prelim meet. Not only did he officially make is CIF SS Division 4 Automatic times for his 200 Free and 100 Back, but he also improved on his school records.

David leapfrogs Tomas Duenas' 2012 swim (1:59.01) and Andrew Laffie's 2002 swim (1:57.12) to set the #3 El Rancho record for the 200 Free at 1:55.35.

In the 100 Back, David improves his #3 time of 1:00.03 to :59.26, breaking the 1-min mark and earning him a special patch for his letterman's jacket - the Sub 60 Gang. This will be David's 2nd Sub 60 Gang patch earned this season for breaking the minute in the 100 Free. David joins his Sub 60 Teammates Castro Villegas and Jay Vera, who earned their patch with 100 Freestyle swims earlier this year.

Lorelei Rojo improves her #1 100 Butterfly record set in 2021 from 1:01.18 to 1:00.43.

Adriana Lopez improves her #5 100 Freestyle record set last year from 1:04.23 to 1:02.98. This puts her 0.46 seconds from Lorelei Rojo's #4 time of 1:02.52.

You can see all our records here.