All is wellness -


Quarter 1

Week 1

Zumba Workout for Beginners

Week 2

15 Minutes Home Workout for Beginners

Week 3

Easy Workout for Belly, Arms and Legs at Home

Week 4

Easy Work for Belly, Arms and Legs at Home with ASDS Lane

Week 5

Friendly Chair Workout

Week 6

1 MILE Happy Walk at Home - 2000 Steps

Week 7

20 Minutes Aerobic Dance Workout to Lose Weight Fast

Week 8

20 Minutes Aerobic Dance Workout to Lose Weight

Quarter 2

Week 1

Few Ways to Ensure Good Physical Health

Week 2

Some Ways to Attain Good Mental Health

Week 3

Happy Dance Workout for Healthy Body

Week 4

Happy Dance Workout for Healthy Heart, Body and Mind

Week 5

Mini Me Edition-The National Children's Broadcasting Day

Week 6

Bites for Fitness and Wellness

Week 7

Dance Exercise- I-Push ang Wellness

Week 8

Review and Recognition

Quarter 3

Week 1

Unity Dance for Arts Month (Dance Exercise)

Week 2

Dance Exercise Makes Worth Life Living

Week 3

Boost Your Energy Through Dance Exercise

Week 4

Dance Exercise Gives Life Balance

Week 5

Dance Exercise to Build Your Future

Week 6

Sweat Makes Excellence

Week 7

Dance Exercise Makes You Feel Happy

Week 8

Recognition Day

Quarter 4

Week 1

Let the Earth Breathe Campaign Through Dance

Week 2

Vocational Wellbeing (Live with a Purpose)

Week 3

Days with Dad, Moment with Mom

Week 4

Refresh, Restore, Revive, Renew

Week 5

Boxing (Key Benefits of Fitness Boxing)

Week 6

5 Types of Rest We All Need

Week 7

Healthy Tips Pabaon of Your Wellness Wednesday Buddy

Week 8

Recognition Day