Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Quarter 1 / 3

Week 1

The Applied Social Sciences and the Discipline of Counselling

Week 2

Professionals and Practitioners in Counselling

Week 3

Clientele and Audiences in Communication

Week 4

Clientele and Audiences in Counselling Settings, Processes, Methods, and Tools in Counselling

Week 5

Discipline, Professionals and Practitioners of Social Work

Week 6

Clientele and Audiences, Work Services, Processes and Methods in Social Work

Week 7

Discipline of Communication

Week 8

Quarter Review and Recognition

Quarter 2/4

Week 1

The Discipline of Communication

Week 2

Professionals and Practitioners in Communication

Week 3

Clientele and Audiences in Communication

Week 4

Settings, Processes, Methods, and Tools in Counselling

Week 5

Functions of the Applied Social Sciences

Week 6

Effects of the Applied Social Sciences Part 1

Week 7

Effects of the Applied Social Sciences Part 2

Week 8

Wrap-Up and Quarter Recognition