The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Information and Communications Technology Service-Educational Technology Unit (ICTS-EdTech), will conduct the ETUlay Awards on July 16, 2022, from 3:00-6:00 PM.

The event is meant to acknowledge the ETUlay Tutors for their commendable performance and commitment to sharing their expertise and time by providing free tutorial services on the DepEd Online platform ETULay.

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Most Outstanding Tutors

Guidelines for Outstanding Tutor Award:

1. Nominees for the Outstanding Tutor Award must be an Exemplary Tutor from the First to Fourth Quarter of SY 2021-2022.

2. Nomination for the Outstanding Tutor Awards must be done by the Program Head.

3. All MOVs should come from video lessons, recognitions, and communications made from September 13, 2021-June 19, 2022.

4. All nominees will submit their MOVs (Means of Verifications) using the template provided by the committee until June 17, 2022, to be uploaded in a Google Drive

Means of Verifications (MOVs):

A. Videos:

1. Entry Video (Full Length)

2. One-to-three-minute video clip for innovation

B. Certificates of recognition (major and minor awards, committee involvement)

*If certificates are not present, a memorandum can be presented for validation

C. Screenshots:

1. First Session

2. Session shares to personal account, group chat, school page and the likes

5. The entire evaluation will have the two stages:

I. Presentation of MOVs

II. Interview

6. The nominee who fails to submit complete MOVs on or before June 17, 2022, will be disqualified.

7. The Program Head will be one of the members of the panelist when evaluating video lessons to impart knowledge and share comments during the deliberation.

8. The nominees will have an interview with two professionals outside the Department of Education and one member of the DepEd Executive Committee.

9. All scores and decisions from the panel of judges are final and irrevocable.

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Most Outstanding Program Heads

1. All Program Heads are qualified to be a nominee.

2. All nominees will submit their MOVs (Means of Verifications) using the template provided by the committee on or before June 17, 2022 to be uploaded in a Google drive:

Means of Verification (MOVs):

A. Videos:

a. One-to-three-minute video clip for innovation

b. Certificates of recognition (Speakership where promotion of ETUlay is done)

c. Screenshots

a. First Session

b. Session shares to personal account, group chat, school page and the likes

c. Engagement where promotion of ETUlay is done

3. The nominees who fail to submit complete MOVs on or before June 20, 2022, will be disqualified

4. The entire evaluation will have two stages:

· Presentation of MOVs

· Interview

5. The nominees will have an interview with the two professionals outside the Department of Education and one member of the DepEd Executive Committee

6. All scores and decisions from the panel of judges are final and irrevocable

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Diwa ng Bayanihan External Partners & ETUlay Pamilya Awards .mp4

Diwa ng Bayanihan Awardee

Director Service


Supportive SDO

Diwa ng Bayanihan Awardee

External Partners

The Bayanihan Award for External ETUlay Partners recognizes the steadfast support demonstrated through promotions and sponsorships that helps the program’s sustainability and endurance despite the challenges of the pandemic. The unconditional support also inspired and uplifted the morale and well–being of the volunteer tutors, making them strive for excellence in every ETUlay session for the quality learning experience of the Filipino learners.

Pamilyang ETUlay

Pamilyang ETUlay Award will be given to the family who encouraged their child/children to engage and support ETUlay. The award is to show appreciation to the family as they become active partners of the department in bridging the gap in learning and in the delivery of quality education amidst pandemic.

Most Viewed Program

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ETUlay Service Awards

The Service Award for Program Head aims to recognize the voluntary services rendered by the Program Head that instilled the values of volunteerism and bayanihan in leading his/her team towards the common goal of the ETUlay program. The Award is also an appreciation of the significant efforts and initiatives made by the Program Head that contributed to the success of other tutors and the ETUlay program.

Diwa ng Bayanihan Tutors Awardee

This award is given to all DepEd ETUlay Tutors who selflessly and unwaveringly bestowed themselves as valued learning partners of the Department of Education. Through their dedication and commitment to service, they have helped bridge the learning gap by conducting online tutorial sessions with Filipino learners across the country.

This recognition acknowledge the hard work to serve the nation and the aspiration of each tutor towards the achievement of quality education as they exhibit the distinguishable Filipino trait of Bayanihan on top of their respective school responsibilities and the challenges brought by improving interconnectivity.