Week 1

Modal Verbs for Expressing Obligation

Week 2

Modal Verbs for Asking Permission

Week 3

Modal Verbs for Stating Prohibition

Week 4

Present Conditionals

Week 5

Past Conditionals

Week 6

Future and Unreal Conditionals

Week 7

Intimate, Casual, and Conversation Communicative Styles

Week 8

Consultative and Frozen Communicative Styles

Week 1

Coping with Challenges

Week 2

Fighting Social Injustice

Week 3

Technology and I

Week 4

Advocating for Gender and Racial Equality

Week 5

Figure of Speech

Week 6


Week 7

Tone, Mood, and Purpose

Week 8

Elements of Fiction

Week 1

Differentiating Biases from Prejudices

Week 2

Identifying Biases and Prejudices in Reading Texts

Week 3

The Fifth Macro Skill in Communication: Viewing

Week 4

Taking a Stand on an Issue from a Material Viewed

Week 5

Critical Viewing: Judging the Truthfulness of a Viewed Material and Detecting Misinformation

Week 6

The Skill of Listening

Week 7

Types of listening

Week 8

Identifying the Validity of Evidence from a Text Listened to

Week 1

Relevance of One's Idea

Week 2

Soundness of Reasoning

Week 3


Week 4

Evaluating Views

Week 5

Analyzing Critical Issues

Week 6

Making Generalizations

Week 7

Taking a Stand on a Critical Issue

Week 8

Review & Recognition Day