Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Quarter 1 / 3

Week 1

Fads and Trends

Week 2

Understanding the Elements and Characteristics of a Trend

Week 3

Identifying Parts of a Whole and Emerging Patterns in Trends

Week 4

Understanding Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Week 5

Global Networks Part 1

Week 6

Global Networks Part 2

Week 7

Understanding the Consequences of Personal and Local Action to Global and Planetary Climate Change

Week 8

Wrap-Up and Quarter Recognition

Quarter 2/4

Week 1

Democratic Intervention

Week 2

Assessing Political and Social Institution

Week 3

Enabling and Inhibiting Dimensions of Technology

Week 4

Social Relationships and Political Movement

Week 5

Neural and Social Networks

Week 6

Parallelism Between Neural Networks and Social Networks

Week 7

Shaping the Mind through Social Relationships

Week 8

Wrap-Up and Quarter Recognition