Quarter 1

Week 1

Hyperbole and Irony

Week 2

Infer Meaning of Idiomatic Expressions

Week 3

Identify Real or Make-Believe Images

Week 4

Describe Forms and Convention of Film

Week 5

Analyze Pictures

Week 6

Find Meaning in Visual Media

Week 7

Noting Details

Week 8

Identify Tenses of Verbs

Making Connections

Quarter 2

Week 1

Gather Relevant Information from Various Sources

Week 2

Determine the Tone. Mood, and Purpose of the Author

Week 3

Identify the Purpose and the Structural and Language Features and Various Types of Informational/Factual Text

Week 4

Respond to Authentic Texts/Distinguish Text Types According to Purpose

Week 5

Recognize Bias and Propaganda Devices

Week 6

Distinguish Print Media from Viewing Materials

Week 7

Distinguish Broadcast Media from Printed Sources of Information

Week 8

Distinguish Online Sources from Viewing Materials

Quarter 3

Week 1

Present a Coherent and Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue

Week 2

Provide Evidence to Support Opinions

Week 3

Make a Stand Based on Informed Opinion

Week 4

Use a Particular Kind of Sentence for a Specific Purpose and Audience - Responding to Question

Week 5

Use a Particular Kind of Sentence for a Specific Purpose and Audience - Expressing Opinions

Week 6

Use a Particular Kind of Sentence for a Specific Purpose and Audience - Asserting

Week 7

Infer Meaning of Borrowed Words such as Rendezvous, Boondocks, Ninja, etc.

Week 8

Identify the Purpose and Parts of an Editorial

Quarter 4

Week 1

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Grammatical Structures: Simple Tenses of the Verb

Week 2

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using the Perfect Tenses of Verbs

Week 3

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Past, Present, Future Progressive Tenses of the Verb

Week 4

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Conjunctions

Week 5

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Adverbs of Manner, Time, and Place

Week 6

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures: Adverb of Frequency, Degree, Affirmation, or Negation

Week 7

Compose a Persuasive Essay on Self-Selected Topic

Week 8

Review, Highlights, Awards, and Recognitions