All is wellness


Quarter 1

Week 1

Morning Exercise with Coach Juan and Coach Annabel

Week 2

Healthy Diet

Week 3

Healthy Burger Ala Belle

Week 4

Suggested Nutritional Package for Teachers Facing the New Normal Education

Week 5

Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid

Week 6

Morning Exercise with Coach Erza

Week 7

Morning Exercise with Coach Juan, Coach Annabel, Sir MJ, and Sir Romeo

Week 8


Quarter 2

Week 1


Week 2

Morning Exercise with Coach Juan, Coach Annabel, Coach Dennis

Week 3

Zumba with Coach Annabel and Sexylicious

Week 4

Morning Exercise with Coach Juan, Coach Annabel, & Viral Marinduque TeachTokers

Week 5

Morning Exercise with Coach Juan & Coach Annabel

Week 6

Morning Exercise with Coach Juan & Coach Annabel

Week 7

Food For Your Heart

Quarter 3

Week 1


Week 2

Galaw Pilipinas

Week 3

Galaw Pilipinas

Week 4

Cardio with Dance Exercise San Pedro National High School

Week 5

Dimensions of Wellness Part 1

Week 6

Dimensions of Wellness Part 2

Week 7

Dimensions of Wellness Part 3

Week 8

Dimensions of Wellness Part 4

Quarter 4

Week 1

Environment and Health

Week 2

Proper Waste Management

Week 3


Week 4


Week 5

Marinduque's Way of Protecting the Environment

Week 6

Game Time

Week 7

Senior Scouts' Way of Protecting the Environment

Week 8
