Quarter 1/3

Week 1

Brainstorming for Research Topics

Week 2

Statement of the Problem, Conceptual Framework, and Research Hypothesis

Week 3

Sample Statement of the Problem and Significance of the Problem

Week 4

Scope and Limitation and Definition of Terms in Research

Week 5

Different Sources of Information and Citation Styles and Formats

Week 6

Characteristics of Related Literature and Importance of Ethical Standards in Using Sources

Week 7

Defining and Differentiating Research Designs

Week 8

Defining Population, Sample, and Sampling Procedure

Quarter 2/4

Week 1

Definition and Classification of Data Analysis

Week 2

Analyzing and Interpreting Data and Composing Themes from Collected Data

Week 3

Defining Research Conclusion and Drawing Conclusions from Research Findings

Week 4

Drawing Conclusions from Research Findings

Week 5

Crafting Recommendations from Conclusions

Week 6

Do’s and Don’ts in Making Research Report and Parts of a Research Report

Week 7

Finalizing Research Manuscript, and Preparing for the Research Defense

Week 8

Sharing Your Research