Quarter 1

Week 1

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities

Week 2

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities Part - 2

Week 3

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities Part - 3

Week 4

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities Part - 4

Week 5

Mean, Median and mode

Week 6

Using Ratio and Proportion Problems

Week 7

Finding Perimeter

Week 8

Appreciating Statistics in Daily Life

Quarter 2

Week 1

Using Probability

Week 2

Measurement and Circumference

Week 3

Finding the Perimeter

Week 4


Week 5


Week 6

Proper Use of Electricity

Week 7

Positive and Negative Integers

Quarter 3

Week 1

Lines and Angels

Week 2

The Power of Pythagoras

Week 3

Proper use of Electricity

Week 4

Electric Meter

Week 5

Multiplication and Division of Integers

Week 6

Computing Interest and Monthly Amortization

Quarter 4

Week 1

Computing Interest and Monthly Amortization

Week 2

Computing Interest and Monthly Amortization - Part 2

Week 3

Computing Monthly Amortization and Computing Currencies

Week 4

Computing Currencies and Computing Taxes

Week 5

Computing Taxes, Computing Profit and Loss

Week 6

How to Prepare a Balance Sheet and an Income Statement