Quarter 1/3

Week 1

Risk Factors Underlying Disasters

Week 2

Effects of Disaster

Week 3


Week 4

The Relationship of Hazards, Exposure, and Vulnerabilities to Disaster Risk

Week 5

Earthquake Hazards

Week 6

Volcano-Related Hazards

Week 7

Volcanic Eruptions

Week 8

Review and Recognition

Quarter 2/4

Week 1

Geologic Hazard (Landslide and Sinkholes)

Week 2

Geologic Hazard (Maps and Mitigation)

Week 3

Hydrometeorological Hazards

Week 4

Fire Hazards (Response and Evacuation Plan)

Week 5

Key Concepts, Principles, Elements, and Importance of Disaster Risk Reduction

Week 6

Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction & Management (DRRM)

Week 7

Survival Kit, IEC Materials, and the Philippine DRRRM Law

Week 8

Review and Recognition