Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Quarter 1 / 3

Week 1

The Emergence of Social Sciences and the Different Disciplines

Week 2

Nature and Functions of Social Science Disciplines with the Natural Sciences and Disciplines

Week 3

Historical Context of the Emergence of Social Science Disciplines Part 1

Week 4

Historical Context of the Emergence of Social Science Disciplines Part 2

Week 5

Concepts and Principles of the Major Social Science Theories

Week 6

Major Social Sciences and Its Importance in Examining Socio-Cultural, Economic, and Political Conditions

Week 7

Analyze the Basic Concepts and Principles of the Major Social Science Ideas

Week 8

Wrap-Up and Quarter Recognition: GKNB Version

Quarter 2/4

Week 1

Key Concepts Rooted in the Filipino Language and Experiences in the Social Sciences Part 1

Week 2

Key Concepts Rooted in the Filipino Language and Experiences in the Social Sciences Part 2

Week 3

Roles and Significance of Filipinos' Indigenous Social Ideas to National Development

Week 4

Practical Use of Social Sciences in Addressing Social Issues Part 1

Week 5

Practical Use of Social Sciences in Addressing Social Issues Part 2

Week 6

Practical Use of Social Sciences in Addressing Social Issues Part 3

Week 7

Quarter Review

Week 8

Wrap-Up and Quarter Recognition