Quarter 1/3

Week 1

Cell Theory and Parts of the Cell

Week 2

The Different Types of Cells and Cell Modification

Week 3

The Cell Cycle and its Regulation

Week 4

Cell Division and Diseases from Cell Malfunction

Week 5

Structure and Function of Cell Membrane

Week 6

Transport Across Membranes

Week 7

Structure and Functions of Enzymes

Week 8

Wrap-Up for Quarter 1

Quarter 2/4

Week 1

Introduction to Metabolism and ATP-ADP Cycle

Week 2

Chloroplasts, Pigments, and Introduction to Photosynthesis

Week 3

Light-Dependent Reactions

Week 4

Light-Independent Reactions

Week 5

Cellular Respiration Part I: Aerobic Respiration

Week 6

Cellular Respiration Part II: Anaerobic Respiration

Week 7

Integration of Metabolic Reactions (Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration)

Week 8

Review and Recognition