Week 1

Supplying words or expressions for analogy

Week 2

Identifying the Features of Viewed Texts

Week 3

Identifying the Genre, Purpose, and Audience of Viewed Texts

Week 4

Passive and Active Voice

Week 5

Past and Past Perfect Tenses

Week 6

Direct and Reported Speech

Week 7

Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences

Week 8

Using Reading Strategies Based on One's Purpose

Week 1

Using Listening Strategies Based on Purpose and Text's Familiarity and Difficulty

Week 2

Using a Search Engine in Conducting a Guided Search

Week 3

Navigating Websites

Week 4

Using Several Sources to Research a Topic

Week 5

Summarizing a Text

Week 6

Using Analogies to Describe and Make a Point

Week 7

Transcoding Information from Linear and Non-linear Texts (1)

Week 8

Transcoding Information from Non-linear and Linear Texts (2)

Week 1

Using Multimedia Resources in Giving Information and Making Explanation

Week 2

Using Multimedia Resources in Narrating Events in Personal or Factual Recounts

Week 3

Using Appropriate Oral Language, Stance, and Behavior in Different Purposes

Week 4

Explaining Factors Affecting a Selection

Week 5

Expressing One's Belief and Convictions

Week 6

Citing Evidence to Support a General Statement

Week 7

Reacting Appropriately to a Text

Week 8

Demonstrating the Art of Questioning

Week 1

Distinguishing the Features of Academic Writing

Week 2

Strategies Used in Interpersonal Communication

Week 3

Scrutinizing Ideas of a Text Listened to

Week 4

Determining the Truthfulness and Accuracy of Materials Viewed

Week 5

Non-Violent Conflict Resolutions

Week 6

Discovering Literature as a Tool for Understanding People

Week 7

Writing an Informative Essay

Week 8

Review & Recognition Day