January 23, 2022 - Volume 6, Edition 23

A Newsletter for Families of Solar Preparatory School for Girls


What a week! With the surge in Omicron, and a heartbreaking Cowboys loss, it was hard to walk away from last week unscathed. The good news is that we had one extra day to reset and check for symptoms.

While the day off was much needed for many reasons, it is critical that we also consider the true reason for the holiday yesterday and what we must continue to do in order to honor Dr. King and all those involved in the civil rights movement and all who continue to fight to promote racial equity. Our staff recently attended a training to improve our own practices and promote a deeper, more intentional focus on race and equity within our building. At the end of the day -we must ensure that our results match our intentions DAY IN AND DAY OUT, rather than in bits and pieces of instagram-worthy micro-moments. We owe it to MLK Day, we owe it to our girls and we owe it to ourselves. Of all the work that we engage in, this is truly the most challenging and yet the most critical. We have made many strides but there is still so much to be done and we look forward to engaging in this work this week and throughout the year.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! In an effort to streamline the dismissal change procedure and lessen wait times when calling the front office, parents will be asked to submit dismissal changes via Google Form beginning January 5. The form will be closed daily at 3pm. Parents needing to make an emergency change after this time should call the office at 972-749-4300.


Do you have a sibling applying to Solar for the 22-23 school year? Are you considering a magnet school for the 22-23 school year? Do you have any ideas for improving our school? We need your help! The grade level with the most responses to this survey will have a celebration! CLICK HERE

January 26SBDM Meeting @ 5:30 PM
January 28th PTO Dollar Free Dress Day
January 31100th Day of School


Girl Scout Cookie Orders

For families that wish to sell Girl Scout Cookies, and have not signed up, or for families who are currently selling and are running low on inventory - there is ONE more opportunity to order cookies!

ORDER DUE: Saturday, January 22nd.

COOKIE PICK-UP DATE: Friday, January 28th.

Pick up will be at Solar after school. Sign-up slot times will be emailed to you after we receive your order.

If you have not already completed a permission form you will need to do this first: Permission Form

Don't forget - Orders are Due January 22nd! Happy Cookie Selling!

Cookie Order Form


Have you subscribed to the Friends of Solar Prep newsletter? CLICK HERE to subscribe and learn more about what has been funded for this academic year.

CLICK HERE to check out our website, too!

Carnival Sponsorships Available

We are excited to announce that multiple levels of sponsorships are available this year to help fund the Spring Carnival. Please CLICK HERE for more information.

Order Your Yearbook

There's still time to order your 2021-2022 Solar Girls Yearbook! Yearbook ID code: 14531222

$20 Softcover, $24.50 Hardcover

Email questions HERE.

Swag Pickup

For orders placed in September and October 2021, there will be two pick up options:

  1. Friday, January 21st at 4:00-5:30pm (Park next to Solar)

  2. Saturday, January 22nd at 3:00-5:00pm (724 N Glasgow)

For questions, please EMAIL HERE.


Got photos from school events or sports? Checkout the guidelines for submitting your photos for the yearbook! Click here for more information.




Culture and Communication

Our goal is to clearly communicate the systems that reinforce the high-expectations and cohesive culture for students, parents, and staff. This focus on communication, data informed decision-making and consistency will elevate our staff and student culture to build the habits of mind and heart. These habits enable effective instruction, love of learning and excellence.

Project and Performance-Based Learning

Students will participate in meaningful and relevant learning experiences through the implementation of high quality project based learning across the campus. Students will make connections to the content they are learning. Instruction will focus on real-world situations with an emphasis on student agency, collaboration and students effectively communicating their ideas.

Math-Positive Culture

Math is for EVERYONE. A positive math culture will require that math is integrated across curriculum and contents throughout the school. We will work to improve campus-wide math mindsets, build fluency, and create a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, problem solving and ways to manipulate numbers.

Blended Learning Practices

A deeper focus on the highest leverage differentiated learning systems that increase student achievement across the campus. Through blended-learning students receive instruction specific to their learning needs. The purpose, best practices and progress of our blended learning systems will be consistently to all stakeholders involved.