November 1, 2021 - Volume 6, Edition 14

A Newsletter for Families of Solar Preparatory School for Girls


Mon. - Fri. 8:20am - 4:30pm

(972) 749-4300


7:45 - Earliest Drop-off Time

8:15 - Sisterhood Circle Begins

8:20 - Tardy Bell Rings

3:45 - PK-K ONLY Dismissal (@Henderson doors)

3:55 -Carline, 1st-7th Walkers, YMCA Dismissal


Principal  Santos

What a week! There were so many amazing pictures from this week and especially Book Character Dress-Up Day that I could not decide which ones to share, so I shared (almost) all of them. Between our character parade and our Trunk-or-Treat event, I was absolutely taken aback by the gratitude I have for days like this. This was a reminder for me how much we need these moments full of joy amidst the uncertainty that still lingers over us. I spent this weekend truly reflecting how we can bring more of this joy to our Solar Family and I cannot wait to jump into November and celebrate this month of gratitude with the most amazing Trailblazer family I could ask for. Don't forget to shout-out a staff member using the link below. This expression of gratitude for their hard work and creativity goes a long way and it has been so awesome to read your words and be able to celebrate our staff. 

We have tentatively planned a COVID vaccine clinic for Solar students ages 5-11 from 9-11 on November 6th. This date is subject to change pending district approval. If you are interested in getting your child vaccinated, read the FAQ and fill out this form.

Check out who has been celebrated this week!

Nancy Arteaga

Ms. Arteaga has been such a valuable asset to Solar and to my daughter's learning experience!  She enjoys her class so much!  She often says to me, "Ms. Arteaga gets me."  This brings so much joy to me as my daughter continues to encounter challenges and I am grateful for teachers like Ms. Arteaga who help my daughter feel comfortable within her own self!  We are enjoying 5th grade!

Nancy has established a wonderful classroom culture for her students. They know what she expects and rise to her challenges time and time again. We appreciate you for setting the bar high for our Solar girls and giving them the structure and consistency they need each and every day. 

Concepcion Cummings

Ms. Cummings has been so helpful and willing to make adjustments to do what is best for the girls she teaches. I appreciate you hearing my concerns as a parent and working together to make things even better. Your dedication to what you do really shows and is truly appreciated for the impact it makes. Thank you! 💜

Christina Cano & Elizabeth Cuevas

Ms. Cano and Ms. Cuevas have been so supportive to our daughter.  This was a year of a lot of changes for her which made her nervous and anxious.  With their help, and after a few weeks of morning tears, she now loves her school.   I can't begin to tell you how much their support to us as parents means.  Knowing that they understood what she was feeling, that they were mindful of her emotions, and that they cared enough to help her through it has been amazing.  Thank you!!!!

Olivia Santos & Staff

Thank you Ms. Santos for leading our school and thank you to all the teachers and staff, especially during these difficult times. It’s a challenging job in the best of circumstances and you’re all appreciated for showing up and being committed to our girls. Thank you 💜 

Rachelle Christian

We know what it's like in your first year at Solar and coming in almost halfway into the second nine weeks could be daunting, but you have stepped up and stepped in and we appreciate your positivity and eagerness to be a part of our family and give our girls your very best!

Jennifer Rudd

I never thought that 7th grade math could be a kid's favorite subject, but somehow you have made it so that my formerly math-averse daughter is feeling more and more confident about math each day. I am beyond grateful for this gift you have given our family. 

Emma Arett

Ms. Arett has made science so much fun for my daughter. She comes home and talks about how awesome this class is and how much she is excited about learning each day. 

Asia Charles

Ms. Charles is passionate about orchestra and it has been transferred to her students. The students video performance practice was so exciting to see.  We have an authentic orchestra program because of you!  Thank you for inspiring our scholars to pursue learning an instrument.  You have been a great addition to the Solar family.

Solar Teacher Assistants

Solar Teacher Assistants Rock each day!  Thank you for your continued flexibility and willingness to assist whenever and wherever needed. You also have been intentional about getting to know each of the scholars!   We appreciate each of you!

TEXT 81010

with the REMIND


Pre-K - @solarprek4

Kinder - @solark5

1st Grade - @solar1st

2nd Grade - @solar2nd

3rd Grade - @solar3rd

4th Grade - @solar4th

5th Grade - @solar5th

6th Grade - @solar6th

7th Grade - @solar7th



We are so grateful for the amazing volunteers who have helped make our sports teams possible! We would love to share our sports action with the community and we need your photos! CLICK HERE  to join the Photocircle App and upload them- or email them to When using the Photocircle App - make sure that your name is visible.


Solar Prep Holiday Gift Drive

Solar Prep Cares and the Solar Peace Pantry are excited to announce the launch of our annual Holiday Gift Drive--where Solar families support other Solar families during the holiday season.

If your family needs to **receive** assistance with gifts this holiday season, please fill out the google form HERE. The form must be completed before Friday, November 12.

For families looking to **donate** to the gift drive, please watch for the launch of our SignUp Genius next week.  Thank you!! 


Virtual Book Club

For those scholars participating in the fall virtual book club, discussions will start the week of November 1st. Please click here for more information re: dates and times.

Taco Tuesday Night

SAVE THE DATE...Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Brought to you by the Solar Prep for Girls PTO and Saint Taco

Easily pre-order to-go meals (tacos or quesadillas) for the whole family and pick up at the school on Tuesday, November 16th!

Half of all proceeds collected will go to the PTO to fund Teacher/Staff Appreciation events.

Watch for the Order Form this week and help support our awesome school while enjoying delicious tacos!

Winter Basketball Registration

We are excited to announce that Winter Basketball thru the YMCA is open for registration now thru November 22nd!

Click here to register your athlete.

Coaches needed also! Sign up here to volunteer as a coach.

Community Photo Shoot



NOVEMBER 13, 2021 | 1:00 - 3:00PM 


We're looking for 20 students to join us in our photoshoot as we capture photos to use for the school's PTO flyers. We invite teachers & parents to join the fun. Students are required to wear school uniforms & swag gear if you're a photographer who would like to help, please email for more information.

Sign Up Now if you're interested. 

Here is the link  for signing up  

Yearbook Photo Submissions

Got photos from school events or sports? Checkout the guidelines for submitting your photos for the yearbook! Click here for more information.

Karate is back as part of the Solar Girls After-School Activities and It's not too late to join! For more info, please contact Sensei Genevieve Petersen at today!




Culture and Communication

Our goal is to clearly communicate the systems that reinforce the high-expectations and cohesive culture for students, parents, and staff. This focus on communication, data informed decision-making and consistency will elevate our staff and student culture to build the habits of mind and heart. These habits enable effective instruction, love of learning and excellence.

Project and Performance-Based Learning

Students will participate in meaningful and relevant learning experiences through the implementation of high quality project based learning across the campus. Students will make connections to the content they are learning. Instruction will focus on real-world situations with an emphasis on student agency, collaboration and students effectively communicating their ideas.

Math-Positive Culture

Math is for EVERYONE. A positive math culture will require that math is integrated across curriculum and contents throughout the school. We will work to improve campus-wide math mindsets, build fluency, and create a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, problem solving and ways to manipulate numbers.

Blended Learning Practices

A deeper focus on the highest leverage differentiated learning  systems that increase student achievement across the campus. Through blended-learning students receive instruction specific to their learning needs. The purpose, best practices and progress of our  blended learning systems will be consistently to all stakeholders involved.