September 2, 2024 -  VOLUME 9, Issue 5

A Newsletter for Families of Solar Preparatory School for Girls


A message from Principal  Santos...

We are kicking off our Hispanic Heritage Celebration on the 13th of the month and we have so much to celebrate. Please see the flyers below and look for more information in next week's Bright Times. 

We have Mini-School coming up on the 12th and 19th. (see calendar below) We have broken it up into two sessions - one for Pre-k and Kinder and the other for first through 3rd grade. The purpose of mini-school is to be able to experience your child's day in small 10 min-per session doses. You get to learn the expectations for each grade level as well as engage in some social-emotional learning and fun connection building tasks. 

For 4th-8th grade, we will have preview nights in November where you get to see a showcase of what your students have accomplished as well as get to explore the other upper grade levels at Solar to see what our program has to offer all the way through eighth grade. As always, if you have any questions about what is happening in class, please email your child's teacher. We are always happy to help and support and appreciate the feedback about what we can be explaining better for parents! We appreciate you!



Hispanic Heritage Month began as a way to promote the history, culture, and contributions of Hispanic-Americans and the Latinx community — specifically, those whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Finally, Day of the Races or Día de la Raza, which is October 9, falls within this 30-day period. We look forward to our annual community celebration, assemblies and dress days as well as to learning more about the significant contributions of Latinx leaders around the world!

We're having a
DallasISd Marketing Photoshoot Day!

Thursday, Sept. 5th  8am - 11am

Students should be in the full uniform.

If DallasISD has permission use your child photo, please sign agreement for participation.  CLICK LINK HERE 

Grade Level Newsletters


Click on the buttons below to learn more information about important topics as you prepare for this school year. Please reach out to Principal Santos at if you need information that you cant find on this issue of Bright Times. We are always looking to upgrade our communication as much as possible! 

Our metal detectors are in and while bag checks and metal detectors will be only utilized for our Middle School Students, we are asking that ALL students pay attention to the items they bring with them to school.

We are minimizing as a group this year and ask that you review your child's backpack WEEKLY to ensure that all school supplies have been turned into their teacher and that they only have what is completely essential for each day. 

Items that SHOULD NOT be brought to school or in your child's backpack include:

Food should ONLY be kept in a students lunchbox.

For PK-5 Parents, in order to help support organized behaviors in middle school you can help us out now by ensuring your child building a routine to evaluate their belongings and get rid of what is no longer needed. By making this a weekly task that you engage in WITH your child, better habits will be built for the future! We appreciate your support! 


Dollar Dress Day

This Friday is our first Dollar Dress Day! Students may pay $1 to wear"free dress." Students may not wear pajamas or slippers/crocks. Sneakers are preferred and free dress outfits and must adhere to district guidelines. Students may bring cash with them or pay ahead using the link below. You can also pay for the entire year and provide an extra donation to help us get this year started!

Volunteers Needed!

The Solar Peace Pantry is looking for volunteers with all different skills and schedules, but particularly, we are in need of volunteers who are available on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 (without kids with them) to staff the pantry during our busiest shift!

It's a tricky time slot for many parents so if you're one of the rare people available and childless then, please send me an email! --

Rochelle Hailey Family Engagement Letter.docx