December 6, 2024 -  VOLUME 9, Issue 18

A Newsletter for Families of Solar Preparatory School for Girls


 A message from Principal  Santos...

The winter weather has arrived and I expect this week will bring a flurry of tasks for all of us! As much as we plan ahead for the month of December, it always ends up a lot more chaotic than we expect. As you navigate this month of events, dress-up days, gift giving, family coordinating and everything in-between remember that we are all going through it. The power in this community is in our ability to lift each other up and help each other out. I am thankful to so many who have shown up in so many different ways to lift up our community. This is a reminder to check on those around you and ask for support when you need it. One line of our staff pledge is "I know I don't have to do it all alone, I was never meant to." From the incredible Solar Pantry, to our amazing counselors, teachers, and Trailblazer parents, we are taking this village to the next level together! 

⏰ 👀 On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20th STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED AT 12:15 PM. Please plan accordingly. 

🪟😍 If you are a PK-5th grade family, please sign up for our next preview night this Thursday at 5:30p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the amazing things happening at Solar. See the flyer below for more information.

📚♥️ Our Book Fair begins this week! Set up your e-wallet now using the links below. Students who want to purchase something during the day, must be buying a book (not just toys). We will have one late day on the 12th for parents to come to purchase after school from 3-6 PM. 

📝🛑 We will not be testing this week for 3-8th grade. The district Standards Mastery Checks will be taken at a later date.

🎄🕎 We have begun our celebration for the 12 days before the holidays for our Trailblazer teachers and staff. Your help to end our campus holiday season on the merriest note is greatly appreciated.  Look up your grade level assigned donations listed on this Sign-up Genius or if you'd prefer to volunteer your time, help us send our amazing teachers on their hour lunches. They normally only get 30 minutes to eat and make a copy or two before rushing back to pick up their students from the cafeteria.

We are always in need of gift cards for our staff holiday party, so if you are feeling extra generous or you have a business that you think our teachers can benefit from, we would be so appreciative of your donation. Bring the donations to our front office! Thank you in advance!

On December 12th is our evening 4th-8th grade preview night. Our preview days give our families a chance to see the awesome programming, curriculum and out of this world teachers we have all the way up through 8th grade. 

One of my goals as the leader of this organization is to provide a program that our Trailblazers and their families are excited to continue to participate in all the way until they become graduates in 8th grade. 

There are a handful of components of our 4th-8th grade program that set us apart from all other schools. Here are the ones at the top of my list.

At Solar, many of our students participate in 3 or 4 of these electives and feel so much more aware of their strengths and are more well rounded as they enter middle school. On top of that, our teachers have made our 10th block into an enrichment block where students participate in a fun enrichment course (ie. pickle ball, creative writing, art journaling), targeted instruction, Girl Scouts and STEAM Fridays. This opportunity for students is not offered at any other middle school in Dallas ISD. 

This Section is "For the Family!"
Please see Ms. Hailey,
Family & Community Engagement Coordinator
for any support needs.

Newsletter LINK


If you know any fierce females who you would like to see featured at our sisterhood circle let us know by filling out THIS FORM! 

Grade Level Newsletters


Click on the buttons below to learn more information about important topics as you prepare for this school year. Please reach out to Principal Santos at if you need information that you cant find on this issue of Bright Times. We are always looking to upgrade our communication as much as possible! 

Volunteers Needed!

The Solar Peace Pantry is looking for volunteers with all different skills and schedules, but particularly, we are in need of volunteers who are available on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 (without kids with them) to staff the pantry during our busiest shift!

It's a tricky time slot for many parents so if you're one of the rare people available and childless then, please send me an email! --


7:30am - 4:30pm


7:30-8:00 am


7:30-7:55 am 


8:00-8:15 am


2:15 pm


2:45 pm


 (Henderson Doors)

3:10 pm 


3:20 pm