Our chosen story for this reading project was I went walking by Sharon Fear. One of the many collections of the big book Reader by Scott Foresman.

The text was an integration of nouns for animals, colors for adjectives, the simple past tense and the past continuous. In order to provide students with enough input for reading comprehension we went on this journey step by step.

We did follow a framework called ECRIF. E for Encounter; kids encountered new words, phrases, ideas, structures, formats, language skills abilities (abilities on speaking skills and reading skills) etc. on the most fun and memorable way. C for Clarification; the kids went over many activities to identify and clarify their learnings. R for Remember; in this stage kids were given activities to identify, clarify and apply their learnings; yet still with guidance by the teacher. I for Internalization. In this stage, kids were able to apply what they learned by themselves. F for Fluency; at this final stage the kids were ready to apply what they learned by creating their own production with fluency.


Colors and Animals

We started this learning journey with colors as nouns and adjectives. Colors as adjectives is one of the main aids for description. In our case, we were learning about animals so animal description was the next step. Hence, we learned the colors with animal vocabulary through a beautiful song by Dave and Ava named Color song. As a fluency activity the kids were asked to create their own version of this song by mixing colors, animals and objects.

Tongue Twisters

Pronunciation and Articulation

Tongue Twisters are really a fun way to help children improve their articulation and pronunciation. This whole second semester was full of fun with Tongue twisters for the kids. So, since we were already learning about animals we decided to also work with Animal Tongue Twisters.

Animal Tongue Twisters.mp4

I went walking by Sharon Fear.

The kids enjoyed the story as much as they were able to comprehend the text, follow the events, identify the settings, retell the story and even telling about their favorite part of the story.

I Went walking.mp4

Children drew their favorite part from the story...

Cock A Doodle Doo!.mp4

Cock A Doodle Doo!

For the oral reading, they kept working on the articulation, pronunciation and fluency through different tongue twisters, animal poems, chants and oral reading practices in classes.

Cuck A Doodle Doo! Quack! Quack! And Notice! were some of the many poems we worked with.


Last but not least, we have Duck loses her quack. A story from the series Little Bear. Duck, the main character, realizes she lost her quack while trying to teach the ducklings how to quack. Students expressed how much they liked this story by drawing and telling their favorite part of the story.

Duck loses her Quack.mp4


Dear kids:

Each of you have done a wonderful job in this Reading Learning Adventure. I am very proud of you.


Teacher Grace