Along the coast of the Pacific Northwest, as far north as Alaska, Raven is the central character in most Native American myths and tales.

A shapeshifter imbued with magical powers, bringing humankind the gift of fire, light and food. In this tale, Raven balances his heroism and trickery to bring a blessing to the people.

Ms. Margarita Zichner & Ms. Sofia Marchand

To provide a previous context to reading the tale, students are introduced to the Native Americans of the Northwest Coast and learn more about their origin, culture, traditions and arts.

After researching, students use their previous knowledge about indigenous people from Paraguay and then compare and contrast this group to Native Americans from the Northwest Coast.

The simple language and illustrations used in this tale allow a deep literature analysis. Through reading this tale we get closer to our ancestors and cherish their cultural legacy.

Raven, listen to the tale.