Animoto_video_720p (2).mp4

Paulina A.

“In dance, I found a world where I could express myself and use my imagination…Dance was not only physical and athletic, it was also expressive.” —Nancy Lemanager

Through dance, children learn to coordinate their bodies, and develop their spatial awareness. Dancing is a great source of fun and exercise for children. Dance also provides meaningful and authentic interaction in the target language.

Santiago B.

Bautista C.

Zoe M.

Benjamín P.

Joaquín Z.

Olivia I.

Benjamín C.

Fiorella P.

Leónidas Y.

Lia A.

Rafaella V.

Sofía O.

''Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible. No one can do more.'' Loris Malaguzzi.

Kazuma Y.