
Mr. Turnow

Daily Lesson

Lesson: Sharks Continued

Some insane shark clips!!!

Reaction to our Oceana video......Find the video HERE!!!!!


Let's begin by sharing one fact that you learned about a particular shark!

Name of Shark:



Feeding Habits:



Science Journal Entry

Sharks - 9-24-2021

1.) Have lived for more than 400 million years!

2.) Weight up to 22,000 pounds!

3.) They are between 8 inches and 40 feet in length!

4.) Their habitat is the ocean.

5.) There are more than 1,000 species of sharks and rays in the world!

Let's take a closer look with Tim and Moby at Sharks!

Finally, some cool shark music and video!!!!

Mr. Turnow's To-Do List and Important Reminders! Please read through the list completely!

*I highly suggest using a school-issued Chromebook! Please get a Chromebook ASAP. The Chromebooks we use are designed for our school. Using your own Chromebook is NOT suggested as some Apps and programs NO NOT WORK!!!

  1. Whenever you are doing school work on a computer, tablet, or phone, you MUST be logged into your SCHOOL account in order to for it to work!

  2. Sign-Up for Google Classroom - Make sure to join the correct period - 2,4,6,7, or 8! See the "Google Classroom" link above!

  3. Sign Up for the Remind App - See the "Remind App" tab above!

  4. Bookmark this website! If using Google Chrome, click on the "star" next to the address bar.

  5. Bookmark Google Classroom!

  6. Ever-Fi! We will sign up for this in class! We will be using this a lot this year!

  7. Make sure you have a Green Composition Notebook each and every day in class. You will need it in class and at home.

  8. Make sure you have a Green Pocket Folder. You will need this for handouts!

  9. Make sure you have a pencil(s) for each day in class as we cannot share items! This is really important!

  10. I suggest using a computer mouse with your Chromebook! It makes life so much easier. A mouse pad helps too!

  11. Earbuds/headphones are needed for each student! Make sure they can plug into your Chromebook. We will be using them a lot!

  12. Please be sure to use your FULL first name, last name, and period number on all assignments and work. Please use the same name as your school ID.

  13. Cell phones are NOT ALLOWED in any academic areas, including Period 10. No exceptions!!!!

  14. Stay Positive!

  15. Look forward to a great year that will challenge your brain in science!

Go HERE for some awesome science photos! Some awesome incredible images!!!

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