
Mr. Turnow

Friday, January 22 , 2021 - END OF MARKING PERIOD!!! All work must be turned in by the end of the day!!!

LIVE STREAMING OF CLASSES TODAY! ATTENDANCE WILL BE TAKEN DURING YOUR SCHEDULED CLASS TIME. Please follow along with the lesson today. Any questions about the lesson, please contact me during Period 10 via email and I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you! Mr. Turnow :-)

***Attention Distance and Remote Learners - Please MUTE your mic upon entering our Google Meet. Thank you!


White Cohort - In-School - / Red Cohort - Distance Learning - / Distance Learners


Here is the link you need today......


Use a piece of paper at home to make a 6 x 6 box to help you solve the puzzle!!!!

6:50 AM

Lesson: Einstein's Puzzle and Lava


* Lava rivers can look like blankets! Layers and layers!

* Underwater volcanoes! Very cool!!!

Mrs. McDermott

1/22 Classwork

7:50 AM

10 points

Due Today

This is due at the end of the period. Do all of your work in your spiral book. Please submit before you log off.

Order of Operations Task Cards

Google Forms

Mrs. Glynn

Fri 1/22 - Read Chapter 5 Lightning Thief

7:53 AM


Mrs. Hanzl

Greeks 4 Governments 27.pdf