Mr. Turnow
Monday, February 22, 2021 - LIVE STREAMING OF CLASSES TODAY! ATTENDANCE WILL BE TAKEN DURING YOUR SCHEDULED CLASS TIME. Please follow along with the lesson today. Any questions about the lesson, please contact me during Period 10 via email and I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you! Mr. Turnow :-)
***Attention Distance and Remote Learners - Please MUTE your mic upon entering our Google Meet. Thank you!
Red Cohort - In-School - / Red Cohort - Distance Learning - / Distance Learners
Lesson: Petroleum - Oil and the Environment - The really ugly.....
MD - How do vaccines work?
7:06 AM
100 points
Due Feb 26, 3:00 PM
Watch the first 2 sections of the video. Part ONE is 1:19 minutes and Part TWO is 4:53 minutes.
Here are some suggested questions to think about after you watch the mini-lesson:
1. How do vaccines work?
2. What did this lesson make you curious about? What other questions do you have about vaccines?
Bonus Activity: (Nothing to turn in or complete....just think) Getting a vaccine isn't fun, but it's better than getting really sick! Think of other not-so-fun things that you do to stay healthy. For example, you brush your teeth every day. You go to bed early to get enough sleep.
Make sure to TURN IN the assignment after you watch the video. Due on Friday, 2/26 by 3:00pm.
How do vaccines work? - Mystery Science
Mrs. McDermott
2/22 Material: Using exponenets
7:43 AM
If you were in school, you got the packet (with the lined paper and glue bottle). If you do not have these papers and cannot print them, you can copy the "alternate notes" in the first file and then copy the problems in the last file as we work on them.
Mrs. Glynn
Mon 2/22 - Read Chapter 12 AND write about Magic Object
7:58 AM
20 points
Due 2:30 PM
1) We are reading chapter 12.
2) Follow the directions on the Google Slides.
Magic Object - What would you choose?

Cape of Invisibilty
Pen that turns into a sword
Flying shoes
Mrs. Hanzl
Due Tomorrow!!!!!!
Persuasive writing
Final day for working on your Spartan/Athens Essay/poster.
This grade will go along with your poster.