
Mr. Turnow

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


ALL STUDENTS ARE DISTANCE LEARNING - Complete Daily Attendance. No Google Meet Today. Complete the online assignment below.

Lesson: Light - Bending Light Virtual Lab - Go to Google Classroom for the "Virtual Lab - Bending Light" assignment! Read the directions carefully and have fun exploring! Be sure to watch the video I made first, then go to the lab and begin.

Mrs. McDermott

a new assignment in Mathematics 3 3.

Due: Sep 24

9/23 Classwork and Homework: Even more Division!

This assignment is for all learners!!

1. Log your attendance! You must do this every day you learn from home, or you will be marked absent. If you need help with this, let me know!

2. Speaking of help, if you need me, click the zoom link at 11am-12pm or 1pm-2pm and I'll be there! If you need me at a different time, send me an email or you can even send me a message on google hangouts (app or from your email).

3. Complete the attached assignment and when you are done, submit! Do your work on a separate sheet of paper. If you get wrong answers, come to extra help!

4. Check your answers from yesterday's homework, if you had more than two wrong and can not identify your mistake, you should come to extra help.



a new announcement in Mathematics 3 3.

These are the links for extra help on Wednesdays, READ CAREFULLY:


Extra Help 1PM

THIS IS THE LINK FOR 1PM Extra help! Do not click before 1pm on WEDNESDAYS. Please try to join by 1:45, thanks!


Meeting ID: 995 0071 4950

Passcode: x6JStG


THIS IS THE LINK FOR 1PM Extra help! Do not click before 11AM on WEDNESDAYS. Please try to join by 11:45, thanks!

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 941 0870 7278

Passcode: w30VJZ


Mrs. Glynn

a new announcement in Language & Literature - Mrs. Glynn 4th period.

Wednesday 9/23

Hello! Your work today is to FINISH the assignment that I gave to you on Monday and Tuesday. It is the Idiom assignment where you are showing your understanding of the difference between literal and figurative meaning. YOUR BEST WORK SHOULD BE SHOWN!

Red Cohort - some of you handed it in already and whomever didn't, finish and bring it in next Tuesday.

White Cohort - bring it in to hand in tomorrow

Distance Learners - send me a picture of your work but PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME ON IT or inidicate your name in the name of the picture. (I have pictures of some people's work showing up in my drive and I can't tell whose it is...)


Mrs. Hanzl

a new announcement in Period 8.

Hi all, I will go live tomorrow the same time as our regular schedule. I will check in and see how I can help you to make sure that you have completed all the work that is in your classroom. Some of you are missing work that needs to be done. See you then!! Have a nice evening.


a new assignment in Period 8.

Edpuzzle | Latitude and Longitude