Mr. Turnow
Daily Lesson
Science Journal
Friday, October 8, 2021
Introduction to Ever-Fi
Keep your Chromebooks OFF for now and just listen!
Ever-Fi is based on programs broken up into modules. Each module, or lesson, takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. There are usually about 5-6 modules for each topic. Some of the topics we are going to complete are: Vault, Sustainability Foundations, Ignition, Endeavor, Future Smart, Future Goals - Science, and several others. We will get to some, but not all of these topics this year.
We will do most of it in school, during class. Please do NOT do any modules at home unless instructed to do so. And do not go ahead and do any topics at home. You are allowed to go back at any time and redo topics and/or lessons at home AFTER we complete them in class.
I get a full report for every student for every module for each topic!
How you are graded...
Each module will be graded. You only need to score a 70% in order to get full credit! So a 70, 80, 90, and 100, all EQUAL a 100%! It is that easy and you can retake a module post-test over and over again until you get the score you want!
You are allowed to take notes along the way and use your notes to take the post-test! It is like taking an open book test!
Each module consists of a pre-test, that does not count, and a post-test at the end of the module, that does count!
There will be a due date for each topic, but no time limit to complete the modules. If there are 6 modules and each module takes 15-20 minutes, that means the entire topic will take you about 1 1/2 hours to complete. So plan accordingly and do not wait until the last minute to complete the topic.
Vault: Understanding Money is a digital education program that teaches students how to make wise financial decisions and improve their social emotional skills like goal-setting and responsible decision making. The interactive lessons will engage learners in an immersive adventure that translates financial concepts into easy to apply experiences that help students develop strategies for managing future finances.
Now let's begin the login process and get started on Vault! Today you will log in and being the module titled FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING!!!
Homework: due Tuesday!!!!! Here is the homework page!!!!!
Mrs. McDermott
Mrs. Glynn
Chapter 4 Wolf Hollow
7:43 AM
20 points
Due Oct 5
AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE TEST, THEN you can do this assignment. Open the slideshow and follow the directions:)
Mrs. Hanzl