
Mr. Turnow

Extra-Credit - Marking Period 3

Ever-Fi Future Goals - MATH!

Due TODAY>>>Friday, March 18 To get Credit

- You must complete ALL 6 modules and pass each one in order to get credit! 70% or higher = 100%


Friday, March 18, 2022

Why Morse Code is so important!

U-571 / I hear Morse Code!


Science Journal

SIGNALS - 3/18/22

1.) How is information sent as signals?

2.) What are digital and analog signals?

3.) How are signals transmitted?

Signals Packet - Begin packet and Introduction to IT.

Sometimes easy, isn't so easy!

Old Switchboard Operators!

How old rotary phones work!

Some awesome technology!


Mrs. McDermott

Mrs. Glynn

Inspiational Person Assignment

8:21 AM

100 points

Due Mar 22

Mrs. Hanzl

Last day to work on Athens or Sparta poster