
Mr. Turnow

Daily Lesson

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Keiko - The True Untold Story.....


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Keiko - The True Untold Story.....

Why can't orcas live out of water?

How long can an orca hold their breath?

Why is it called the Melon?

Do orcas attack and kill people?

What has Seaworld done?

Blackfish...It made people aware!

Why are they called killer whales?

Swimming with orcas! Discovery!

Bring Chromebooks tomorrow and earbuds!!!


Thursday, October 7, 2021


Mrs. McDeromott

Unit one mid point practice quiz answer key


Oct 5, 2021 at 2_38 PM.Math HW answers png.pdf

Mrs. Glynn

Mrs. Hanzl

Whats not completed in class needs to be completed either period 10 or at home,

Due tomorrow

Just in case you need extra review on Latitude and Longitude if you didnt do as well on the test the other day ( I had this link on my google site last week as well)