
Mr. Turnow


Welcome! Thursday, May 21

Goals for Today! Please make sure to READ through all items! Thank you. SCHOOL IS CLOSED ON MONDAY, MAY 25 FOR MEMORIAL DAY!

NOTE - For any Google Classroom Assignment, after you complete the assignment, make sure you "Turn it in" or "Submit" your work when you are done. Thank you!


1.) EdPuzzle - Deforestation of the Amazon Rain Forest. - This was due on Wednesday, May 20 at 8pm. The assignment is posted to Google Classroom.

2.) EdPuzzle - Crabs, Cockroaches, and others that Pollinate! - This is due Friday, May 22 at 3pm. This assignment is posted to Google Classroom.

3.) MARK YOUR CALENDAR! LIVE MYSTERY DOUG IS BACK! Today, May 21 at 1pm. Astronaut Jessica Meir will be with Doug today!

Here is the link that will take you there today. mysteryscience.com/live

4.) Take a "VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP". For this week, we are going to the Dominican Republic for an underwater adventure! Coral Reefs are so important!

Visit: https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/who-we-are/how-we-work/youth-engagement/nature-lab/virtual-field-trips/

Scroll down to The Secret Life of Corals and click on "WATCH VIDEO".

While watching this amazing video, here are some questions to think about.

1.) Where can you find coral reefs around the world?

2.) What is coral?

3.) What does symbiosis mean?

4.) In what ways are coral reefs sensitive?

5.) What are some things you can do to help coral reefs stay healthy and strong?


If you turn in a late assignment, please e-mail me after you complete it so I know it is done and I can check it. E-mail me at bturnow@cmschools.org

1.) EdPuzzle - Sci Eye Hearing the Sound - Welcome - We are going to continue our unit on waves. This week we will focus on sound waves! Listening to music, television, nature, and other people are all important. But how do we hear sounds? And why is it important to protect our hearing?

The assignment has been posted to Google Classroom. It was due Friday, May 15 by 3pm.

2.) Mystery Science - Earthquakes. This is in line with our unit on waves. But these are not sound waves! Watch and learn more!

Begin by watching the video on Earthquakes. Then, watch the "Bonus"! Finally, if it lets you, VOTE for the question for next week! Remember, you can also submit your own question! This has been posted to your Google Classroom. It was due Friday, May 15 at 3pm.

TED-ED LESSON - You will have this week to complete a lesson on EdTed. You will log in using your school Google Account!

Go to the link: https://ed.ted.com/on/XIcvCoUx

Click on "sign in" located in the top right corner.

Now, click on "Continue with Google" and choose your school account to proceed and log in.

It may tell you "Your Confirmation Link is On The Way". If it did, now, go check your school Google Email account and the find the email from TED. Then click on "Verify my email address". Once you do, go BACK to the page you were at before. Some of you will be able to log in right away with your Google account. If you did, skip the next sentence.

Now enter your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL Only! Choose "Student" and you can choose a subject you are interested in. Now click on "Continue to TED-Ed".

Now, click here again to go back to the lesson! https://ed.ted.com/on/XIcvCoUx Now your screen will be entitled "Quest 5 - the energy we need"

You will now do "Watch", "Think", "Dig Deeper". and then "Discuss".

First watch the video. Then click on "Think" and answer the 10 questions. You can play the video again if you need by just clicking the video while you are answering the questions. Then move on to "Dig Deeper" and read through the entire section under "Additional Resources for you to Explore". You will complete steps 1, 2, and 3 here!

Finally, click on ""Discuss" and click on the question and read the entire question and statement from me.

You are now done! Yeah! Great job!!!!

This was due Friday, May 8.

3.) Cells on Mosa Mack - It is through Mosa Mack and entitled "Cells". This was due May 8. This is a REQUIRED project. I am giving you more than a week to complete this. Go to the MOSA MACK tab on my website for more information and to know exactly what to complete for this project. Go here to begin: https://sites.google.com/cmschools.org/mrturnow/mosa-mack READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY!!!!!

4.) Please check Google Classroom for all due assignments.

5.) Make sure you are signed up for my REMIND messages. All you have to do is text @mrturnow6 to the number 81010


OFFICE HOURS! I am available via e-mail most of the time. The best hours to email me to get a very quick answer are in the morning between 8am-10am. Outside of these hours I will still respond as quick as possible. Thank you!

  • SCRATCH! A great program that is free to use! I know most students already have an account, but if not, you can get one for FREE! Here is a link to many activities you can begin work on. These are great to work on for the long-term. https://scratch.mit.edu/ideas?mc_cid=06a3f42013&mc_eid=a0c7a38a94

  • Contact me via email at bturnow@cmschools.org I promise I will do my best to get back to you ASAP. Please understand that are inboxes are very active as this is now our main forum of communication with administration, teachers, and students. Thank you for understanding.

Here is a link for 20 Virtual Field Trips you can take with your family! https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/20-virtual-field-trips-to-take-with-your-kids.html

Go HERE for the top 100 science photos of 2019! Some awesome incredible images!!!

Mrs. Glynn

a new assignment in Language & Literature (4th) 4th period.

Due: May 22

THURSDAY 5/21 - Ch 20 Hunger Games


Mrs. McDermott

Extra help with Rhombus and Trapezoids today at 11am.

Topic: extra help

Time: May 21, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 951 6626 3449

Password: 0zxEVM


a new assignment in Mrs. McDermott 6th Period 6.

Due: May 22

Area of Trapezoids Thursday 5/21

Today we are going to learn about area of trapezoids. Its a TOTALLY new formula! You must watch the edpuzzle video first and then complete the Khan Academy assignment.


a new assignment in Mrs. McDermott 6th Period 6.

Due: May 25



Mr. O'Brien

Today's writing quiz should be fun writing!! Please use your imagination and make your entry exciting and unreal!!

This will be due by Tuesday morning.

Remember on Monday May 25 , Memorial Day, I will not post any lesson.

Sailors in the 1400's and 1500's often did not know what they would find when they started their journeys.

Write a diary entry from the point of view of a sailor leaving for the first time on his or her first voyage. Be sure to mention both your hopes and your fears about what will happen to you.

Mr. Slifstein

a new announcement in Middle School Physical Education 6-8th Grade PE.

Thursday Moving Day! Enjoy the beautiful weather


Mrs. Greene

a new assignment in 6th Grade Music - A Day.

Due: May 21

What Would the Music Sound Like? 5/21

Look at the photo attached.

Try to think about the photo if it were happening in a MOVIE...what would the music sound like in that scene of the movie?

Type FIVE (or more) descriptive words that describe what you think the music would sound like.