
Mr. Turnow

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Nine Planets!

Resources: Science Journal

Choose one of the 8 planets, BESIDES EARTH, and answer the following in your science journal.

1.) What year was the planet first discovered?

2.) Who is credited with discovering the planet?

3.) Who or what was the planet named after?

4.) How many AUs is the planet from the Sun? (AU = Astronomical Units)

5.) How long does it take for the planet to rotate one time?

6.) How long does it take for the planet to revolve one time?

7.) What degree is the planet tilted on its axis?

8.) What is the planet mainly made of? What gases or elements make up the planet?

9.) Does the planet have an atmosphere? If so, what is the atmosphere made up of?

10.) How many moons does the planet have?

11.) How many rings does the planet have?

12.) In terms of size, what ranking is the planet? Ex. Earth is the 5th largest planet in the solar system.

13.) What is the average temperature on the planet?

14.) Is there any winds or weather on the planet? If so, what are the winds speed and what type of weather is there?

When you are done, please watch the following...

How high can you jump on other planets?

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