Mr. Turnow
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Red Cohort - In-School - Complete Daily Attendance. Watch Google Meet Video Live During Period 2 or when posted to Google Classroom (Should be posted by 9am) Once the video is posted to Google Classroom, please follow along with the lesson.
White Cohort - Distance Learning - Complete Daily Attendance. Watch Google Meet Video Live During Period 2 or when posted to Google Classroom (Should be posted by 9am) Once the video is posted to Google Classroom, please follow along with the lesson.
Distance Learners - Complete Daily Attendance. Watch Google Meet Video Live During Period 2 or when posted to Google Classroom (Should be posted by 9am) Once the video is posted to Google Classroom, please follow along with the lesson.
Mrs. McDermott

10/13 Classwork: Go Math Lesson 2.1
Posted 10:06 AM
Due Tomorrow, 10/14, by 2:30 PM
1. Log your attendance
2. Watch the video. Follow along on page 31-32 in your GoMath book. The sound is not great from the computer. If you want, you can watch along in your GoMath account in the Interactive Student Edition, lesson 2.1. and then FINISH watching MY video from 18 minutes on.
Mrs. Glynn
Tuesday 10/13 - Wolf Hollow Read Prologue, chap 1, chap 2
posted 7:45 AM
Due Tomorrow, 11:59 PM
*YOU MUST READ THE CHAPTERS. (I gave you ALL books AND you can find the PDF version of the book on my website.) You can also listen to the audio of me reading the chapters if you want to, but if you are listening to the audio, you MUST ALSO READ THE TEXT WITH YOUR EYES.
White Cohort- reading this at home. “Turn In” or "Mark as Done" when done.
Distance Learners- reading this at home. “Turn In” or "Mark as Done" when done.
Red Cohort- reading in school with me.
Wolf Hollow Day 1 Reading assignment
Wolf Hollow by Wolk Lauren (z-lib.org).pdf

Mrs. Hanzl
Early Man -Note Taking
posted 10:54 AM
5 points
Due Tomorrow, 10/14, by 11:59 PM
Today we are continuing our lesson on Early Man...please read the article and then write down 6-8 facts about what you have learned. The same with the other pages on the power point. Watch the video and then add everything you have learned to the various topics about early man.
I WILL GO LIVE tomorrow if you need the extra help. Please take pride in what you hand in.