September 25th, 2023

Sherwood School's Truth and Reconciliation Week

Monday, September 25th, 2023 - Day 1

Dates to Remember:

Sherwood School's Truth and Reconciliation Week:  Our class will be participating in Sherwood School's Truth and Reconciliation Week from Monday, September 25th until Thursday, September 28th.  We will be remembering the history of residential schools, through the experience of Phyllis (Jack) Webstad, and the intergenerational impacts of its legacy on First Nations and Indigenous peoples. 

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Monday, September 25th, Day 1.

Orange Shirt Day:  Sherwood School will be observing Orange Shirt Day on Thursday, September 28th.  All students and staff are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on this date.

Book Exchange:  Our next book exchange will be on Thursday, September 28th, Day 4Please have your child return their Library book(s) by or on Wednesday, September 27th, Day 3.  Merci!

Show and Share:  All students are invited to bring a small toy of their choice for Show and Share on Thursday, September 28th.  Kindly help your child introduce themselves.  The following sentence structure may be helpful to them:  Bonjour!  Je m’appelle _____.  Please remember not to send toys with your child on days other than Show and Share.

Professional Learning Day:  Kindly note that Sherwood School will be closed on Friday, September 29th as it will be a Professional Learning Day for teachers.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:  Kindly note that Sherwood School will be closed on Monday, October 2nd as it will be National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. 


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week and year ahead:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Rylee and our first assistant will be Athena this week.

Theme:  Our theme will be Colours and Shapes this week.  We will also talk about National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Class List:  Lark will be starting at a new school.  I would like to wish her a successful first day and will miss her tremendously.  Lark's classmates will be thinking of her too.

Independence:  Kindly have your child practice zippering up or buttoning up their coat at home so that they can get dressed for outdoor recesses and afternoon dismissal as independently as possible.  Merci beaucoup!

UPEI School of Nursing Students:  Due to unforeseen changes in the UPEI School of Nursing program, our class will not be welcoming second year students into our classroom to observe us.  We will still be participating in a Teddy Bear Clinic on Wednesday, November 15th, though.

Have a wonderful week!