June 24th, 2024

KB Summer Spirit Week Continued

Monday, June 24th, 2024 - Day 6

The final countdown is on!  There are only three days left in the 2023 - 2024 school year!  It has been a privilege to work with your child throughout their French Immersion Kindergarten year at Sherwood School.  Thank you very much for also supporting their overall development at home.  Merci beaucoup! 

Our class will be celebrating the upcoming summer break in a fun way each day again this week.  All students are invited to participate in each "Summer Spirit Day"!

Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week ahead:

Dates to Remember:

Library Book Return Deadline:  Kindly have your child return all of their overdue Library books as soon as possible.  A note indicating the title and author of their book(s) was sent home in their communication duo tang last week.  Merci beaucoup! 

Monday, June 24th, 2024 - Day 6

Dinosaur Day:  All students are invited to wear dinosaur themed clothing or bring a small toy dinosaur on this date.  

Updated Location!  End-of-Year Field Trip to Rosedale Park for Prehistoric Island Tours Presentation about Dinosaurs:  Our class will be going on an end-of-year field trip to Rosedale Park on this date to listen to a presentation by Prehistoric Island Tours about dinosaurs.  (The rain date for this excursion will be Tuesday, June 25th.)  We will be walking to the park, leaving the school at 8:45 a.m. and returning by 11:15 a.m.  Kindly ensure your child is dressed comfortably for the weather,  including a hat, sunglasses, t-shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers.  Please also apply unscented sunscreen on them at home.  Kindly also pack your child's water bottle, lunch kit, towel and full change of clothes (in a large Ziploc bag) in their backpack.  We will be eating a picnic snack at the park.  It is sure to be a fun morning for all! 

Class Birthday Party:  Our class will be celebrating our birthdays on this date by playing party games and enjoying a snack together.  I will provide miniature cupcakes that are labelled as Peanut/Nut and Dairy Free.

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024 - Day 1

Teddy Bear Day:  All students are invited to bring a stuffed toy and a towel on this date.

Teddy Bear Picnic:  Our class will be participating in teddy bear themed outdoor activities with the other English and French Immersion Kindergarten classes on this date.  Kindly ensure your child is dressed comfortably for the weather,  including a hat, sunglasses, t-shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers.  Please also apply unscented sunscreen on them at home. 

Absence:  I will be absent on this date.  Madame Hélène Crevier will be replacing me for the day.  Unfortunately, I will not able to check for email messages or take telephone calls.

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 - Day 2

Sherwood School Spirit Day:  All students of Sherwood School are invited to dress in green and/or white to show their pride in the school on this date!  Your child could wear their crested t-shirt, if they have one. 

New!  Centennial Park:  We will be walking to Centennial Park with our Learning Buddies, Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class, leaving the school at 9:00 a.m. and returning by 10:00 a.m. on this date.  Kindly ensure your child is dressed comfortably for the weather,  including a hat, sunglasses.  Please also apply unscented sunscreen on them at home. 

Canada Day Party:  Our class will be celebrating Canada Day on this date by playing bingo and enjoying a snack together.  I will provide a frozen treat that is packaged individually and labelled as Peanut/Nut and Dairy Free.

Third Term Report Cards:  Your child’s third term report card will be sent home with them on this date.

Last Day of School:  This date will be the last day of school of the 2023 - 2024 school year.


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week ahead.

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Isaac and our first assistant will be Maisie this week.

Theme:  This week, our themes will continue to be Community and Summer.  We will also touch on Canada Day.

Extra Large Ziploc Bag:  Kindly empty and return the extra large Ziploc bag that will be sent home with your child each day this week (in their zippered bag).  It will contain all of their French Immersion Kindergarten materials.  

Extra Snacks:  Kindly pack extra snacks in your child’s lunch kit each day this week as they may be hungrier than usual.  Our days are going to be very active and busy. 

Eye See…Eye Learn! Program:  Kindly have your child take advantage of the Eye See … Eye Learn! Program before June 30th, 2024.  The Eye See … Eye Learn! program is an eye health and vision awareness program which provides one free eye exam and, if needed, one free pair of glasses to all Kindergarten students across P.E.I.  Please refer to the following link for further information: 

Outdoor Physical Education Classes: Weather permitting, Physical Education classes will be held outdoors this week.  Kindly ensure your child wears outdoor sneakers on Days 1, 3 and 5 so that they can safely participate. 

With warm temperatures forecasted for this week, the following reminders will help ensure that your child stays safe and comfortable:

Clothing:  Kindly ensure your child is dressed comfortably for the warm weather,  including lightweight, light-coloured, and loose-fitting clothing.

Healthy Snacks:  Kindly include fruits and vegetables with high water content in your child's snack/lunch to help them stay hydrated.

Sun Hat/Sunglasses/Sunscreen:  Kindly pack a sun hat and sunglasses in your child’s backpack, if you would like them to wear them during recess times.  Please also apply unscented sunscreen on your child at home, if you would like them to wear sunscreen at school.  Merci!

Water Bottle(s):  Kindly remember to send 1 or 2 filled water bottle(s) with your child each day.  Students will be carrying their water bottle with them throughout the day.

French:  The following activities will continue to expose your child to the French culture and language over the summer months.  Just a few minutes a day will help them as they enter Grade 1 French Immersion in September.

Bonnes vacances!