December 4th, 2023

Monday, December 4th, 2023 - Day 1

Dates to Remember:

Photograph of Family Member:  Kindly email me a photograph of one of your child's immediate family members by Monday, December 4th.  Your child will use the photograph in an integrated Families themed Show and Share on Friday, December 8th.  Merci beaucoup!

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Monday, December 4th, Day 1.

Learning Buddies:  Our next Learning Buddies session with Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class will be on Tuesday, December 5th, Day 2.

Additional Copy of First Term Report Card:  If you wish to receive an additional copy of your child’s First Term report card, kindly write me a note in your child’s Communication Duo tang by Wednesday, December 6th. 

Candy Grams:  Sherwood School's Grade 5A students will be fundraising for families in our school community in need this season.  They will be selling Christmas candy grams from Wednesday, December 6th until Thursday, December 14th for a $1.00 each.  The candy grams will be delivered to students on Friday, December 15th and will consist of a candy cane with a note attached.

Book Exchange:  Our next regularly scheduled book exchange will be on Thursday, December 7th, Day 4Please have your child return their Library book(s) by or on Wednesday, December 6th, Day 3.  Merci!

First Term Report Card:  Your child’s First Term Report Card will be sent home with them on Friday, December 8th.  Kindly complete and return the slip enclosed with the report card, indicating that you received it, by Friday, December 15th.  Merci!

Skating:  Our class will be going skating on Friday, December 22nd  from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. at the Cody Banks Arena, as part of our Physical Education curriculum.  Kindly write me a note in your child's communication duo tang by Friday, December 15th, if they need to borrow skates and/or a helmet from the school.  Parents of Kindergarten students are invited to help tie skates and enjoy a skate with our grade level.  Please note that helmets must be worn on the ice by everyone.  If your child will not be skating, they will be participating in an alternative academic activity at the school.  

Sherwood School Christmas Families Program:  Interested person(s), families or groups are able to make a monetary or gift card donation to "Sherwood School's Christmas Families Program", families from our school who are in need of extra support during the holiday season.  Kindly find an envelope in your child's communication duo tang to use to make a monetary donation by either cash or cheque.  Please make cheques payable to the Public Schools Branch.  Donations can be made anonymously, however, if you would like to receive a tax receipt, kindly include your name.  If you would like to donate a gift card, please email one of the school's counsellors at the email addresses listed below, for gift card needs.  Sherwood School families benefit immensely from the kindness and generosity of our school community every year.  Donations will be accepted until _____.

Olivia Milligan



Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week ahead:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Henry and our first assistant will be Isaac this week.

Theme:  This week, our theme will be Families again.

Extra Hat and Mittens/Gloves:  Kindly double-check that your child has an extra hat and an extra pair of mittens/gloves in their backpack each day.  Please remember to label them too!  Merci!

Sherwood School Clothing Sale:  Sherwood School's Home and School Association will be selling crested clothing year round through All Star CrestingKindly see the following link for further information:  

Sherwood School Clothing Sale

Have a fantastic week!