November 20th, 2023

Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday, November 23rd

and Friday, November 24th 

Monday, November 20th, 2023 - Day 4

Dates to Remember:

Book Exchange:  Our next regularly scheduled book exchange will be on Monday, November 20th, Day 4Please have your child return their Library book(s) by or on Wednesday, November 15th, Day 3.  Merci!

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Thursday, November 23th, Day 1.

Show and Share:  All students are invited to bring a small toy of their choice that relates to our integrated theme of "Dinosaurs" for Show and Share on Thursday, November 23rd.  Kindly help your child introduce themselves and present their toy.  The following sentence structures may be helpful to them:  Bonjour!  Je m’appelle _____.  Voici mon/ma _____.  Please remember to not send toys with your child on days other than Show and Share. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews:  Thank you for scheduling your child’s parent-teacher interview online.  I look forward to meeting with you on Thursday, November 23rd or Friday, November 24th to discuss their progress to date. 

Parent-Teacher Interviews:  Kindly note that Sherwood School will be closed to students on Friday, November 24th due to Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Learning Buddies:  Our next Learning Buddies session with Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class will be on Monday, November 27th, Day 2.


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be _____ and our first assistant will be _____ this week.

Theme:  This week, our theme will continue to be Dinosaurs.

Breakfast Program Hours:  Sherwood School's Breakfast Program runs Monday through Friday from 8:05 until 8:40 am.   All students are invited to attend it during those hours to ensure they get fueled up for the school day ahead.

Assessment and Evaluation:  I will be working with each student individually to assess their progress in fine motor, early numeracy and early literacy development again this week.  Our daily routine will be adjusted slightly to accommodate this activity.

Eye See…Eye Learn! Program:  Kindly have your child take advantage of the Eye See … Eye Learn! Program before June 30th, 2023.  The Eye See … Eye Learn! program is an eye health and vision awareness program which provides one free eye exam and, if needed, one free pair of glasses to all Kindergarten students across P.E.I.  Please refer to the following link for further information:

Eye See...Eye Learn! Program

Illness:  Kindly check your child's overall health each morning, before sending them to school.  If they are sick, please keep them home to rest and recuperate.  In doing so, you are reducing the spread of illness amongst all members of our classroom community. 

Standard Size Backpack:  Kindly check that your child's backpack is of a standard size so that they can pack it up for afternoon dismissal as easily and independently as possible at school.

Winter Clothing:  Kindly ensure that your child is dressed warmly for outdoor recess every day, including snow pants, winter boots, a winter coat, a neck warmer/scarf, a hat and mittens/gloves.  Recess will be much more enjoyable for them if they are dressed appropriately for the weather.  Please remember to label all of your child's winter clothing as well.  Merci!

Independence:  Kindly have your child practice getting dressed in their winter clothing at home  so that they can get dressed for outdoor recesses and afternoon dismissal as easily and independently as possible at school.  Merci beaucoup!

Throughout our Winter theme, we will be talking about the following order to get dressed in winter clothing:

Extra Hat and Mittens/Gloves:  Kindly double-check that your child has an extra hat and an extra pair of mittens/gloves in their backpack each day.  Please remember to label them too!  Merci!

Have a great week!