April 22nd, 2024

Joyeux Jour de la Terre!

Monday, April 22nd, 2024 - Day 5

Dates to Remember:

Earth Week:  Sherwood School will be celebrating Earth Week in a fun and informative way each day this week.  This year’s theme, Planet vs. Plastics, brings awareness to the health risk of plastics and the efforts needed to rapidly phase out all single use plastics.

Earth Day will officially be acknowledged on Monday, April 22nd. 

Important!  School Yard Clean-Up:  Students are invited to bring a reusable glove from home on Monday, April 22nd to wear during the School Yard Clean-Up, which will happen during the first 5 minutes of lunch recess, from 11:45 - 11:50 am.

Grade 3 Music Students and Sherwood School Choir Dress Rehearsal:  Our class will be attending a dress rehearsal performance by the Grade 3 Music classes and the Sherwood School Choir on Tuesday, April 23rd at 12:15 p.m.

Jump into Spring Cash Draw 2024:  Sherwood School's Home and School Association will once again be running their popular Jump into Spring Cash Draw.  It will be their main fundraiser of the year.  Students will be given 10 tickets on Monday, April 8th.  All tickets, sold or unsold, must be returned by Wednesday, April 24th, in the envelope provided.  If your child sells all 10 tickets, more can be requested and sent home with them.  Funds raised will be going towards the playground at the new school.


Ticket Sale Dates:  Monday, April 8th – Wednesday, April 24th

Draw Date:  Monday, April 29th

Ticket Price:  $10 each      

Prizes:  $1000, $750, $100, $100

Student Prizes:  top seller, top class, honorable mentions and draw prizes

Litterless Snack/Lunch:  Sherwood School's Greening and Grounds Committee will be challenging all student to bring a litterless snack/lunch on Wednesday, April 24th.  The class which accumulates the least amount of waste will win the challenge. 

Parent Speaker:  Isaac's mom, Charlotte, will be speaking to our class on Wednesday, April 24th about her profession.  All students are sure to learn a lot about audiology.  Merci beaucoup!  

National French Immersion Day:  Sherwood School will be celebrating National French Immersion Day on Wednesday, April 24th.

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Wednesday, April 24th, Day 1.

Learning Buddies:  Our next Learning Buddies session with Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class will be on Thursday, April 25th, Day 2.

Show and Share:  All students are invited to bring a small toy of their choice for Show and Share on Friday, April 26th.   Kindly help your child introduce themselves and present their toy.  The following sentence structures may be helpful to them:  Bonjour!  Je m’appelle _____.  Voici mon/ma _____.  C'est _____. (Colour)  C'est _____. (Size)  Merci!  Please remember to not send toys with your child on days other than Show and Share.

New!  Easter Seals Fundraiser - Guess and Count the Number of Pompoms in the Jar:  Our class will be participating in an Early Numeracy activity, Guess and Count the Number of Pompoms in the Jar, on Friday, April 26th in support of Easter Seals PEI.  Donations made in support of last Thursday, April 18th's schoolwide Hat and/or Jersey Day will also be put towards this class fundraiser.  Kindly only send your child's donation in an envelope, clearly labelled with their name on it, if your family wishes to make a first donation.  Merci beaucoup!

Earth Hour:  In celebration of Earth Hour, our class will be walking to Rosedale Park to play with the other French Immersion Kindergarten class from 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. on Friday, April 26th.

Book Exchange:  Our next book exchange will be on Monday, April 29th, Day 4.  Kindly have your child return their Library book(s) by or on Friday, April 26th, Day 3.  Merci!

Kindergarten Orientation Day:  Kindly note that there will be no school for Sherwood School Kindergarten students on Friday, June 7th as it will be an orientation day for next year's incoming students.  There will be regular school for all other grades.   


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week ahead:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Maisie and our first assistant will be Nia this week.

Theme:  This week, our theme will be Earth DayThis year’s theme is Planet vs. Plastics.

Morning Arrival Time:  Kindly note that the morning arrival time for walkers and students being dropped off is 8:15 a.m. or later.  Limited supervision is only available for bus students who arrive earlier due to bus route schedules.

Outdoor Playtime:  With the arrival of spring weather, our class will be be playing outdoors more regularly.

Spring Coat:  Kindly ensure that your child is dressed comfortably for outdoor recess each day, including a spring coat.  Recess will be much more enjoyable for them if they are prepared for the weather.

Raincoat/Splash Pants/Rain Boots:  Kindly have your child wear a raincoat, splash pants and rain boots on days when the ground is wet so that they do not get their clothes and shoes wet or even muddy on the schoolyard.  Students go outside for recesses as long as it is not pouring, however, the play equipment may be wet.

Change of Clothes:  Kindly send a change of clothes, including a shirt, pants, undergarments and multiple pairs socks, packed in in a large Ziploc bag in your child's backpack each day.  Please also remember to label all of their belongings.

Joyeux Jour de la Terre!