Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher

Bonjour!  My name is Jessica McMullen and I am thrilled to be your child’s French Immersion Kindergarten teacher at Sherwood Elementary School.

I have been teaching French Immersion at Sherwood since September of 2007 and at the Kindergarten level since 2014.  Previously, I taught Grade 1,  IPLÉ (Reading Recovery in French for French Immersion Students) and Grade 5.  I have always wanted to teach Kindergarten from the time I played "school" as a child with my younger sister!  I was the "teacher" every time!  Before moving to Prince Edward Island, I taught in Halifax, Nova Scotia from 1999 onward. 

I received a Master of Education (Educational Psychology) from Mount Saint Vincent University, a Bachelor of Education (French as a Second Language) from the University of Ottawa and a Bachelor of Arts with Honours (French) from Dalhousie University.

I live in Charlottetown with my husband and three children.  My oldest son is in his fourth year of of a Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering at the University of Prince Edward Island.  My daughter is in Grade 12 at Colonel Gray High School and my youngest son is in Grade 9 at Queen Charlotte Intermediate School.  All three of my children are Late French Immersion students.

I enjoy walking, hiking and running year-round.  I am also a member of an online fitness community.  I like to bake and listen to audio books with my children as well as travel with my husband.  My family also loves fostering kittens together!