October 3rd, 2023

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 - Day 3

Dates to Remember:

Field Trip to Victoria Park:  Our class will be going on a field trip to Victoria Park on Tuesday, October 10th.  We will be travelling by school bus, leaving the school at 9:00 a.m. and returning by 11:15 a.m.  The rain date is Thursday, October 12th.  Kindly ensure that your child is dressed comfortably for the weather on this date, including a sun hat and fall coat.  Please also apply unscented sunscreen on them at home.  Kindly also pack your child's water bottle, lunch kit, towel and full change of clothes (in a large Ziploc bag) in their backpack.  We will be eating snack at the park.  It is sure to be a fun morning for all!

Payment for Field Trips:  Payment for your child's field trips can be made online at Sherwood HotLunches or by cash until the date of the excursion.  If paying by cash, kindly send exact change in an envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s name on it and the purpose of the payment.  The fee for your child to go to Victoria Park is $2.00 and is due by Tuesday, October 10th.

Earth Rangers Assembly:  Our class will be attending Sherwood School's annual Earth Rangers assembly on Wednesday, October 11th at 10:00 a.m.

Earth Rangers and Call2Recycle Battery Blitz:  Families, staff and community members are encouraged to bring as many used batteries as possible to Sherwood School and dispose of them in one of the 10 Call2Recycle collection boxes.  This challenge kicked off on Tuesday, October 3rd and will run for 4 weeks, until Friday, November 3rd.  There are three Cash Grand Prizes available for the 3 PEI schools that bring in the most batteries!   

Book Exchange:  Our next book exchange will be on Wednesday, October 11th, Day 4Please have your child return their Library book(s) by or on Tuesday, October 10th, Day 3.  Merci!

Absence:  Unfortunately, I will be absent on Friday, October 13th.  Madame Hélène Crevier will be replacing me for the day.  I will be attending a Professional Learning Day for French Immersion Kindergarten teachers.

Safety Presentation:  Jana Vessey from the Charlottetown City Police will be conducting a safety presentation for for all Kindergarten and Grade 1 students at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, October 13th.  The content will be grade and age appropriate.

Show and Share:  All students are invited to bring a small toy of their choice for Show and Share on Friday, October 13th.  Kindly help your child introduce themselves.  The following sentence structure may be helpful to them:  Bonjour!  Je m’appelle _____.  Please remember not to send toys with your child on days other than Show and Share.

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Monday, October 16th, Day 1.

Learning Buddies:  Our first Learning Buddies session with Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class will be on Tuesday, October 17th, Day 2.


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week and year ahead:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Jackson and our first assistant will be Maisie this week.

Theme:  Our theme will be Fall this week.

Home and School Facebook Page:  Sherwood School's Home and School Association maintains a Facebook page.  All members of the school's community are invited to follow it for up-to-date information on their initiatives.

Home and School Tree Sapling Fundraiser:  Sherwood School's Home and School Association is hosting a tree sapling fundraiser.  All proceeds from the sales will support programs at the school as well as the new playground.  Limited quantities are available in some trees so order quickly so that your family does not miss out!  Kindly use the following link:

Home and School Tree Sapling Fundraiser

Fall Coat:  Kindly ensure that your child is dressed warmly for outdoor recess daily, including a fall coat.  Recess will be much more enjoyable for them.

Splash Pants/Rain Boots:  Kindly have your child wear splash pants and rain boots on days when the ground is wet so that they do not get their clothes and shoes wet or even muddy on the school yardStudents go outside for recesses as long as it is not pouring, however, the play equipment may be wet.

Independence:  Kindly have your child practice zippering up or buttoning up their coat at home so that they can get dressed for outdoor recesses and afternoon dismissal as independently as possible.  Merci beaucoup!

Have an amazing week!