April 2nd, 2024

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 - Day 4

I would like to extend a warm welcome back to all students after the break.  I hope all families enjoyed a restful time together. 

Dates to Remember:

First Day of School after the Mid-Term Break:  The first day of school after the mid-term break will be Tuesday, April 2ndIt will be Day 4 of the cycle.

Indoor Sneakers:  Kindly remember to send a pair of indoor sneakers with your child on Tuesday, April 2nd.  The sneakers must be Velcro unless your child can tie their own shoelaces. 

Winter Activity Challenge:  Mrs. Kerwin-MacPherson and Mrs. Daun are challenging all families to get active this winter!  Choose a winter physical activity to do as a family, snap an action shot of the activity and send it to ejkerwin@edu.pe.ca.  They will post your photo on the gymnasium bulletin board and will enter your family’s name into a draw for a prize.  The deadline is Tuesday, April 2nd.

Book Exchange:  Our next regularly scheduled book exchange will be on Tuesday, April 2nd, Day 4.  Kindly have your child return all of their Library books by this date.  Merci!

"Rock Your Socks" Down Syndrome Day:  All students are invited to wear mismatched socks, or draw a picture of mismatched socks, in support of World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday, April 4th.  In doing so, they will be reminding others that being different is beautiful and wonderful.

Second Term Report Card:  Your child’s Second Term Report Card was sent home with them on Thursday, March 21st.  Kindly complete and return the slip enclosed with the report card, indicating that you received it, by Friday, April 5th.  Merci!

Easter Egg Show and Share:  To complement our integrated theme of Easter, all students are invited to bring an object that fits into a plastic Easter egg for Show and Share on Friday, April 5th.  A plastic Easter egg will be sent home with your child on Tuesday, April 2nd, in their zippered bag.  Please help your child formulate 2 – 3 clues to describe the object.  The other students will guess what the object is, based on the clues.  The following sentence structures may be helpful to your child:  Bonjour!  Je m’appelle _____.  C’est _____ (colour of object).  C’est _____ (size of object).  C’est _____ (shape of object).  Merci!  Please remember to not send toys with your child on days other than Show and Share.

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Friday, April 5th, Day 1.

Learning Buddies:  Our next Learning Buddies session with Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class will be on Monday, April 8th, Day 2.


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week ahead:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Harriet and our first assistant will be Henry this week.

Themes:  This week, our theme will be Easter.

Eye See…Eye Learn! Program:  Kindly have your child take advantage of the Eye See … Eye Learn! Program before June 30th, 2024.  The Eye See … Eye Learn! program is an eye health and vision awareness program which provides one free eye exam and, if needed, one free pair of glasses to all Kindergarten students across P.E.I.  Please refer to the following link for further information:

Eye See...Eye Learn! Program

Parents to Speak about Occupation/Hobby:  Parents, you are formally invited to speak to our class about your occupation/hobby.  Kindly write me a note in your child’s Communication Duo-tang to schedule a 30 minute block.  Merci beaucoup! 

Recyclables:  Sherwood School's Greening and Grounds Committee has an account at Charlottetown Bottle & Metal, located at 4 MacAleer Drive.  All families are invited to drop off refundable items to credit the committee's account.  Funds raised will be used to support the maintenance of the school grounds and outdoor/environmental projects.  Kindly refer to the following link for further information:

Charlottetown Bottle & Metal

Splish Splash:  

Happy Easter!