May 6th, 2024

Monday, May 6th, 2024 - Day 2

Dates to Remember:

Learning Buddies:  Our next Learning Buddies session with Mme Fraser's Grade 3 French Immersion class will be on Monday, May 6th, Day 2.

Home and School Association Meeting:  Sherwood School’s next Home and School Association meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. in the school’s Library.  All parents/guardians are invited to attend. 

Book Exchange:  Our next book exchange will be on Wednesday, May 8th, Day 4.  Kindly have your child return their Library book(s) by or on Tuesday, May 7th, Day 3.  Merci!

Chocolate Bar Bingo:  Grade 6 leadership students will be hosting chocolate bar bingo on Thursday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m.  Admission will be $5.00 per person, up to a maximum of $15.00 per family.  Bingo players are also asked to bring one full sized Peanut/Nut Free chocolate bar in exchange for a bingo card.  There will be a maximum of 4 bingo cards per person.  Snacks will also be available for purchase at a canteen.  All proceeds will go towards grade 6 year-end expenses.

Families are invited to sign-up for Chocolate Bar Bingo using the following link:

Show and Share:  All students are invited to bring a small toy of their choice for Show and Share on Friday, May 10th.   Kindly help your child introduce themselves and present their toy.  The following sentence structures may be helpful to them:  Bonjour!  Je m’appelle _____.  Voici mon/ma _____.  C'est _____. (Colour)  C'est _____. (Size)  Merci!  Please remember to not send toys with your child on days other than Show and Share.

Black Light Show:  Our class will be attending Sherwood School's annual Black Light  Show, performed by the Grade 6 classes, on Friday, May 10th at 12:15 p.m.  

Second Step Program:  Our next Second Step lesson with Mrs. Swan will be on Monday, May 13t, Day 1.

New School Playground Beautification Fundraiser:  Sherwood School's Greening and Grounds Committee will be doing a basket fundraiser at their upcoming Pancake Breakfast.  Kindergarten Students are invited to donate items for a Beach themed basket.  Items will be collected until Tuesday, May 21st.  Merci beaucoup!


Here are a few points of information pertaining to the week ahead:

Leader/Assistant:  Our first leader of the day will be Henry and our first assistant will be Isaac this week.

Theme:  This week, our theme will be Insects again.  We will also touch on Mother's Day.

Canada's 30x30 Nature Challenge:  Our class will be participating in the David Suzuki Foundation's 30 minutes for 30 days in May nature challenge.  We will be going outside to learn, for up to 30 minutes a day, in the green spaces on school property or at Rosedale Park.  By doing so, we will be creating a healthy nature habit while also addressing curriculum outcomes.  We will be going outside rain or shine!  

Physical Education Classes:  Kindly ensure your child wears a t-shirt, under a long-sleeved shirt, on Days 1, 3 and 5 so that they can fully participate in physical education class without getting too hot.  

Spring Coat:  Kindly ensure that your child is dressed comfortably for outdoor learning and recess each day, including a spring coat.  That time will be much more enjoyable for them if they are prepared for the weather.

Raincoat/Splash Pants/Rain Boots:  Kindly have your child wear a raincoat, splash pants and rain boots on days when the ground is wet so that they do not get their clothes and shoes wet or even muddy on the schoolyard.  Students go outside for outdoor learning and recesses as long as it is not pouring, however, the play equipment may be wet.

Change of Clothes:  Kindly send a change of clothes, including a shirt, pants, undergarments and multiple pairs socks, packed in in a large Ziploc bag in your child's backpack each day.  Please also remember to label all of their belongings.

Sherwood School Clothing Sale:  Sherwood School's Home and School Association will be selling crested clothing year round in partnership with Allstar CrestingKindly see the following link for further information:  

Allstar Cresting Sherwood School Clothing Sale

Assessment and Evaluation:  I will be working with each student individually to assess their progress in fine motor, early numeracy and early literacy development in the coming weeks.  Our daily routine will be adjusted slightly to accommodate this activity.

Bonne fête des mères!