Classical Academy High School

Personalized Learning Campus

May 11th - 15th

Dear Classical Academy High School Students and Families, 

We hope that everyone had a great Mother's Day. We love and appreciate all the moms that are the unsung heroes on a daily basis. 

The announcements and current deadlines remain the same. As an independent study public charter school, we are moving forward with course completion, full credits, and grades. We are very lucky to have the Summit Learning platform and complete support by our amazing teachers and support team. We are here to virtually help you finish the school year strong.  All teachers have modified their courses for the time we were shut down. Check Schoology and Summit Learning for deadlines and updates. Please use today and everyday to set goals!

The Monday News (this email) will continue to be sent out to families every Monday through the end of the school year. I will also post a Tuesday video with any weekly updates and announcements. Your feedback was evidence that you appreciate the updates and communication. Important announcements, such as a date, location, or event change will be posted immediately in Schoology. To better serve you, please make sure that your Schoology notifications are turned on to receive these updates. 

Senior events - There are many tentative and postponed events that have not been cancelled, at this time. Junior and Senior Prom has been postponed pending further news updates. We will be making a decision and announcement about graduation on Friday. 

Tryouts/Applications - Dance, cheer, flag, leadership, and other activities will be updated in the Monday News, as that information is released. For now, virtual audition information has been released. 

Academics - We have heard from many families about the excellent resources and learning platform we already have been using. Summit Learning will continue to support our students completing the entire school year successfully. Students are expected to stay in engaged and moving forward in the distance learning model. All power focus areas, content assessments, checkpoints, and projects are required; grades and credits will be issued. Please notify your teacher, via Schoology messaging, if you are have any challenges in your academic progress and completion. 

Important dates - We are now in quarter 4 of the 2019-20 school year.  Students will be required to submit two more work samples, in each subject, by the end of the school year. The work sample dates should be in one of these two work submission time periods: Quarter 4 Work Sample #1, dated between April 13-May 1, 2020. Quarter 4 Work Sample #2, dated between May 4-May 29, 2020. Seniors must be finished by May 29 to allow time for grades to be posted. Also, all reading and PE logs should be completed through June 5, 2020. 

These dates will be added to the Schoology calendar, to serve as a reminder to stay on track. 

Please adhere to the stay at home orders and wearing masks and let's get through this difficult time. Let us know how we can best support your student and family. We will be available regular school hours, as well as the extended proctoring hours in the evenings Monday - Thursday. Let's show the world how we are set up for the best distance education experience!

Sending you much love, virtual hugs, and lots of support,

Dr. Stacey Perez 

Important Announcements

Update from Principal, Dr. Perez on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

Video Message from Executive Director, Mr. Cameron Curry on May 8th, 2020

Stay Connected + Inspired

Weekly in depth look at a student or professional in our community.  

This week we highlight the amazing Ms. Tayler Williams

Click here to view

Distance Learning

With our collective stay at home orders we would normally be planning for your son or daughter’s graduation with lots of events and activities. Not wanting you to miss a chance to memorialize your family’s impact at CAHS-PL, the North County Education Foundation invites you to leave a lasting legacy at Classical Academy High School by purchasing a commemorative brick!  Your student's name can permanently reside on campus for generations to see.  Leave a memory for a favorite teacher, student, relative, classmate, loved one, or as a token of gratitude HERE!

Reminder: Student expectations for Distance Learning

Who Do I Ask?

We know that clear communication is going to be crutial during this time, so we wanted to make sure you know where to go if you have a question.  We put together a "Who Do I Ask?" Document which contains all of our Support Team's specific roles and email addresses.  We want all students and parents to feel free to email anyone on our team with any questions that you have.  

Who Do I Ask?

Coffee Chat with the Principal, Dr. Perez, Every Wednesday!

Stacey Perez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Virtual Coffee Chat with the Principal

Time: 8:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

        Every week on Wed, until June 3, 2020, 8 occurrence(s)

        May 13, 2020 08:00 AM

        May 20, 2020 08:00 AM

        May 27, 2020 08:00 AM

        Jun 3, 2020 08:00 AM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 319 099 559

Password: CAHSPL2020


See flyer for how to purchase online and where to send photos -->

Eventbook (3).pdf

Content Assessments and At-Home Learning info

Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and understanding during this time of uncharted waters and uncertainty. We are so glad to be in this together, as one family, with incredible support of one another. With our President and Governor in alignment with lessening the impact of limiting the spread of COVID-19, it would appear that we are in for some extended time away from the campus.  Under the current executive order issued by the Governor, we are required as public schools to provide every student with high-quality educational options. Effective Monday, March 30, 2020, we are going to return to as much normalcy, as possible, while providing education remotely. 

Students will be allowed to take content assessments remotely, under parent supervision. The exact same procedure will be followed as before with extended hours to provide equity for all students and situations. 

You will have to use a computer with a Chrome browser and have the Assessment Mode add-on installed. Click here for the assessment Mode Add-on

Content Assessments will be opened from 8-10 am, 1-3 pm, and 6-8 pm Monday through Thursday. Fridays will be remote office hours and remote parent power hours from 9-12. Please refer to your Schoology course for office hour sign ups and links. 

Upon returning from Spring Break, on Monday, April 13, 2020, we will return to a structured daily schedule that virtually reflects our students regular school week. On Monday, we ask that all students set their goals for the week, using the Summit Learning Platform. This is imperative, as it provides our team with guidance and direction to support student academic achievement. Students should also plan on having a virtual mentor meeting with their cohort teacher, at least once a week. Starting Tuesday, April 14, 2020, teachers will be providing a variety of instructional methods to meet student progress. Some teachers will provide daily instruction, others will provide embedded videos, and some will have open virtual classroom hours. Rest assured that we have a solid plan in place and will be here to support students and families through this time. 

Please stay tuned for additional announcements. For all my planning people, here is the daily schedule that we will return to, virtually, on April 13, 2020:

             CAHS PL Daily Schedule 

7:45-8:55 Period 0 T-Th 

Content Assessments 8-10 M-F

9:00-10:10 Period 1 T-Th

10:15-11:25 Period 2 T-Th

11:25-11:55 Lunch

Content Assessments 1-3 M-F

12:00-1:10 Period 3 T-Th 

1:15-2:25 Period 4 T-Th

1:50-3:00 Band/Drama

Content Assessments 6-8 M-Th

AP Exam Update

Please read the College Board update below and please be checking the email that you originally provided to the College Board for their very important updates on AP exam information. Moving forward the College Board will be communicating directly with AP students by e-mail. 

It has been highly recommended by the College Board that all students take their AP exams during the May 11th - May 22nd testing window. 

Exam Dates

Most AP teachers and students surveyed prefer to test earlier, while the content is still fresh.

•Exams will be given from May 11–22.

•Makeup test dates will be available for each subject from June 1–5.

•Students can take exams at home or in schools if they reopen.

•Each subject's exam will be taken on the same day at the same time, worldwide.

View the full testing schedule.

Exam Format

Most exams will have one or two free-response questions, and each question will be timed separately. Students will need to write and submit their responses within the allotted time for each question.

•Students will be able to take exams on any device they have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. They'll be able to type and upload their responses or write responses by hand and submit a photo via their cell phones.

•For most subjects, the exams will be 45 minutes long, plus an additional 5 minutes for uploading. Students will need to access the online testing system 30 minutes early to get set up.

•Certain courses—Art and Design: 2D; Art and Design: 3D; Computer Science Principles; Drawing; Research; and Seminar—will use portfolio submissions and will not have a separate online exam. All deadlines for these submissions have been extended to May 26, 2020, 11:59 p.m. ET. Teachers and students may receive separate course-specific communications.

•Students taking world language and culture exams will complete two spoken tasks consistent with free-response questions 3 and 4 on the current AP Exam. Written responses will not be required. We'll provide additional details in the coming weeks to help students prepare.

Tips for testing on specific devices will be available in late April.

SAT Update

We hope you're doing well during this challenging time. As the College Board continues to respond to the impact of the coronavirus, our thoughts are with you.

In the face of school closures, we’re adapting to give students opportunities to show their strengths and continue on the path to college. Our top priorities are the health and safety of students and educators.

Right now, public health officials have made it clear it's not safe to gather students in one place. Many U.S. states have closed schools for the rest of the academic year, and globally there are widespread school closures across 192 countries. As such, we won't be able to administer the SAT® and SAT Subject Tests™ as planned on June 6, 2020.

We're working hard to make the SAT available in school and out of school as soon as the public health situation allows. Students will have opportunities to take the SAT to make up for this spring’s lost administrations.

If it’s safe from a public health standpoint, we'll provide weekend SAT administrations every month through the end of the calendar year, beginning in August. This includes a new administration in September and the previously scheduled tests on August 29, October 3, November 7, and December 5.

Students will be able to register for these administrations beginning in May. We’ll communicate directly with students when the exact date is available. Eligible students will be able to take the exam with a fee waiver. Students who were registered for June and those in the high school class of 2021 who don't have SAT scores will have early access to registration for the August, September, and October administrations.

For each administration, we’re preparing to significantly expand our capacity for students to take the SAT when schools reopen. We’re calling on our member schools and colleges, as well as local communities, to open their doors and provide additional test center capacity so every student who wants to can take the SAT.

In addition, almost all of our state and many of our district partners have expressed their interest in providing SAT School Day administrations in September or October. Specific information about state and district testing will be shared in the coming weeks.

In the unlikely event that schools don't reopen this fall, the College Board will provide a digital SAT for home use, much as we’re delivering digital exams for three million Advanced Placement® students this spring. As we’re doing with at-home AP® Exams, we would ensure that at-home SAT testing is simple; secure and fair; accessible to all; and valid for use in college admissions.

We're committed to giving students as many chances as we can to show their strengths to admissions officers. As we navigate this evolving situation, we'll continue to rely on your partnership to ensure students have what they need as they apply to college during the 2020-21 school year.

We'll regularly update our webpage with information. Thank you for your partnership during this unprecedented time.


College Board

CAHS Performance Teams


CAHS Dance 

Step 1: ASAP - Fill out the Google Form located here or in the bio of our Instagram account: @cahs_dance. 

Step 2: - Wednesday, May 6th Detailed information, including the full tryout packet, will be sent out via email. You will also receive an invitation to join the BAND app, where you will receive communication, updates, and encouragement from dance program alumni! 

Step 3: - Wednesday, May 20th Dancers will receive access to a private YouTube account where you will find videos of audition material, including across the floor combination and hip-hop choreography. Dancers will have two days to learn and perfect both videos. 

Step 4: - Friday, May 22nd Deadline to submit the two audition videos via Dropbox, auditioning across the floor combination, and the piece of choreography you learned. You must provide your two videos during the submission window of 4:00 pm-6:00 pm 

Step 5: - Dancers will receive an email within one week with the audition results.

If you have any questions, feel free to email or send a direct message on Instagram @cahs_dance.

CAHS Cheer Team

Step 1: - ASAP - Please fill out this 20 - 21 CAHS Cheer Virtual Tryout Google Form or in the bio of our instagram account @cahscheerteam 

Step 2: Monday, May 11th - Detailed information, including the full tryout packet, will be sent out via email. You will also receive an invitation to join the BAND app, where you will receive communication, updates, and encouragement from cheer coaches and alumni! 

Step 3: - Tuesday, May 26th - Cheerleaders will receive access to videos of tryout materials, including a cheer, chant, dance, the CAHS fight song, jumps, and motions. Cheerleaders will have three full days and part of the day that Friday to learn and perfect the tryout material. We will be releasing material daily during this week! 

Step 4: - Friday, May 29th - Deadline to submit the tryout videos via the BAND app of the material you learned and any tumbling you have. You must provide your videos during the submission window of 4:00 pm-6:00 pm.

Step 5: Cheerleaders will receive an email within one week with the tryout results.

If you have any questions, feel free to email or send a direct message on Instagram @cahscheerteam.


CAHS will have a Marching Band and a Drumline in the fall.

Band Camp will start 8/10.

There are no tryouts for Band, everyone is welcome, to take the class, or the Monday group.

There are Drumline placement auditions that will be during Band Camp.

At this time, we are encouraging anyone who is interested to contact me at for all the information as it develops along with the quarantine.

No experience / no personal instrument required to join!

Caiman Crescendos & Legato Ladies Singing Ensembles

Auditions will occur via video during the month of May. 

Students should videotape themselves singing for 1 minute and send to the instructor. 

Any style of music is fine.

Please email audition video:

Deadline: Please submit audition video by June 1st.

CAHS Pep Flag Team

CAHS Pep Flag Team Tryouts 

We are excited as the Pep Flag Team Tryouts are coming up! Due to distancing and the equipment needed to flag, tryouts will be a bit different this year. 

Step 1: - ASAP - Fill out the Google Form here if you are interested in learning more. 

Step 2: - Monday, May 4 - Important team information, found in the Pep Flag Team Handbook & Tryout Packets, will be emailed to both student & parent. Review the packets by May 8. 

Step 3: - Friday, May 8 by 12:00pm - Email the Flag Team Manager below if your desire is to try out for the Pep Flag Team. Noon is the deadline to sign up for tryouts. You will also receive an invitation to join the Band App, where you can learn about details and updates. 

Step 4: - Friday, May 15 - Packet signature pages due, pick up poles/flags, turn in a $50 check (explained in packet: either credited towards team member’s expenses or refunded if needed). Time/Location to be sent out in an email. 

Step 5: - Monday, May 18 - Instructional video to be sent out. Basic skills will be covered plus a short section of a routine using one flag will be taught step by step. 

Step 6: - Wednesday, May 20 - Day 1 Tryouts: One Flag. Details on what to expect are in the packet. Tryouts will either be done by zoom, submitting a video, or using what the school allows for distancing at that time. We will let you know. Those advancing to the two flag tryouts will be notified by email later that day. A step-by-step video will again be sent to guide and teach the girls through a routine that will be judged. 

Step 7: - Friday, May 22 - Day 2 Tryouts - Two Flags. Details and times TBA. 

The 2020-2021 Team Member list will then go out that weekend. 

Thank you for your interest in joining the CAHS Pep Flag Team. 

See us on Instagram @ cahsflagteam

Feel free to contact Pep Flag Team Manager Beth Johanson at if you have any questions.

Auditions for 2020-2021 Award-Winning Caiman Crescendos & Legato Ladies Singing Ensembles

Auditions will occur via video during the month of May. Students should videotape themselves singing for 1 minute and send to the instructor. Any style of music is fine.

Please email audition video:

Deadline: Please submit audition video by June 1st.

CAHS Yearbook

School code: classicalhs

Community News

The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy High School and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.

Counselor's Corner

Laura Hughes, Lead Counselor and Classical Academy High School

Charles Threat III, Classical Academy High School - Personalized Learning Campus

Jessica Novello, Coastal Academy High School

Alissa Atkins, Classical Academy Middle School

Jennifer Meehan, Coastal Academy

Chad Chandler, TCA Bear Valley

Charity Marino, TCA Vista

Program Feedback

Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….

Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you,

Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Are you an Amazon Customer? Do you plan on making a purchase? If you answered yes, please keep in mind that 0.5% will go to CAO if you simply enter the site with

Once you have designated Classical Academy Incorporated as your charity, you must make purchases through (not for TCA to receive credit for your purchases.