Classical Academy High School
Personalized Learning Campus
January 11th - 15th
Dear Classical Academy Families,
I feel like there is so much to share with you today, but there is so much still up in the air, as we move forward with a quick pause before we have more students back on campus. I hope this Monday News comes through as transparent as possible, while decisions and schedules are still being worked on.
First, the organization has made the decision to not have Option A students back on campus, yet (students will not return to workshops on January 19). There are multiple metrics for this decision, including increased updates of team members on all campuses being impacted, having symptoms, or testing positive for COVID. This is not site specific, but sharing team members and trying to have adequate coverage is very difficult. We have also heard the same increase from students at home, yet we don’t have those tracing numbers because the students have not been on campus.
In regards to the survey results, specific to CAHS PL, only 39.6% or 109 students are choosing the two day option to be back on campus. Based on that information, including the 38.9% that will remain in distance learning and the 21.5% who would like to “wait and see,” as well as 125 families that did not fill out the survey, I am confident that our distance learning model is serving students and providing rigorous academic delivery and success. For second semester, starting January 19, 2021, we will continue the same synchronous schedule, including weekly classes, updated recordings and videos, as well as office hours.
Once the decision to return for Option A is finalized and the date is set, based on the state, county, and our own leadership team, the start date and schedule will be released to our families and students. At that time, all students will still have the opportunity to receive the weekly synchronous instruction, recorded Zoom sessions, and office hours with teachers and the support team. We will get through this together. Thanks for being flexible and understanding as we continue to make very difficult decisions.
The bottom line is that we want students back on campus. We also know that we can serve our student population through either model. As soon as possible, we will be able to be in person and get back to our normal routines.
So today, I ask, how can I serve you? A phone call, a Zoom meeting, or words of encouragement? From my heart to yours, please let me know how our team can support you in this partnership!
Dr. Stacey Perez
Important Dates:
January 11th - @ 4:00pm - Last chance to submit your Academic Showcase video
January 13th - @ 5:30pm - Virtual Academic Showcase - YouTube Link will be posted on Schoology
January 15th - Quarter 2 Conferences by Appointment
January 18th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
January 22nd - Friday Office Hours (9am-12)
January 22nd - Parent Power Hour (9am-12)
January 29th - Friday Office Hours (9am-12)
January 29th - Parent Power Hour (9am-12)
February 8th - 12th - Virtual Spirit Week
Important Announcements
Virtual Academic Showcase
The Academic Showcase is a tradition at the Personalized Learning Campus, where students can show off what they have learned during the semester. Students are able to create presentations that detail their Final Projects; what they learned, how they came to their conclusions and what Cognitive Skills were used. Students who choose to present will 5% receive extra credit in the class that the project corresponds to.
In a normal year, this event would be a large expo taking over our campus, with parents and students able to walk around and marvel in all the student achievement. This year, we are taking it virtual! We will be hosting a YouTube Live event with a compilation of student presentations. Students and Parents are encouraged to watch live and join the chat to celebrate each others success. The link will be posted on Schoology and emailed out closer to the date.
Below you will find details for students wanting to submit a presentation for extra credit. We can't wait to celebrate you!
If you would like to submit a presentation:
You will need to fill out this rubric, and submit it with your video to the subject teacher for the extra credit - must be submitted by Monday, Jan 11th @ 4pm.
The rubric has more details on what needs to be included in your presentation.
You may create more than one presentation, if you wish, but you can only receive extra credit for one class.
Your teacher will then submit your video for the compilation to be displayed at the YouTube Live Event
Even though it's virtual, the rubric still applies. Make sure your presentation is professional - dress accordingly.
Feel free to get creative with your video presentation!
Videos must be 2-3 minutes in length and filmed horizontally
Second Semester Programming Email
In case you missed it, here is the email that went out in December regarding all Second Semester Programming information.
House Points
Click here to see the most up to date Class/House point totals!
Parent Square
In order to streamline daily health check processes and reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the school and larger community, we are using ParentSquare’s easy-to-use health reporting form for employees and students.
Join Zoom Meeting:
On Campus COVID-19 Safety Regulations
As we start having some small groups of students back on campus, it is important to remember to adhere to certain Safety Precautions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Security and Support Team put together a video to help you remember what safety standards you must follow whenever you are able to join us on campus.
Enjoy! :)
Digital Work Samples
Each of the schools within The Classical Academies is an Independent Study program in the State of California. As such we are required to collect work samples from each course, each learning period, for each student. Those samples are then stored for 7 years. On an annual basis that is over 200,000 pieces of paper, plus folders and labels and storage space for all those files, times 7 years. You can imagine the amount of space and hours it takes to manage all of that.
Moving to digital storage is our best option as it saves space, paper, and time while increasing accuracy and security. We have been slowly working towards this goal for the last two years. We started with electronic Master Agreements and Learning Logs as well as submission of assignments through Schoology for some classes/courses. Starting in the 2020-2021 school year and moving forward, we are having all families submit their samples electronically.
We understand it has been a challenging transition for some. We want you to know that we appreciate the time it takes to make this happen. This is a team effort! If you are having challenges with submitting samples, please reach out to your Teacher or Educational Specialist for support. We will work together to create solutions.
School Meal Program
The Classical Academies participates in a school meal program by offering a nutritious breakfast meal every school day. Our breakfast program is available to all students that are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose. Prepackaged Breakfast Kits are available on campus at various times throughout the day to allow for flexible schedules.
The Breakfast Kits must be ordered online at by noon the day before your student is on campus. Instructions on how to order are available HERE.
When your student arrives on campus, they will be able to choose from the available prepackaged Breakfast Kits. Each Breakfast Kit includes a breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. All Breakfast Kits include a spoon and napkin. The cost is $3.00 per Breakfast Kit. Eligible students may receive meals free of charge if qualified. Please contact the school Registrar if you have questions about eligibility.
For more information about the school meal program, visit the TCA School Meals webpage.
School Meals Available at Community Locations
On October 9, 2020, the USDA extended the summer grab-and-go school meal program to encompass the entire school year. Children are eligible to receive meals regardless of school or district of attendance. School districts are working hard to implement the new guidelines and meet local needs. Locally, we are aware of meal services in Escondido, Oceanside, and Vista. Please visit their websites for more information. To find out when your neighborhood school will be ready to participate in this program, please visit 20/21 Meal Sites for Students.
Please also visit these other community resources:
Reminder of Content Assessment Policies and Procedures
Click here to see email sent out on October 7th regarding Content Assessments Procedures and Schedule
Click here to see Teacher Office Hour Schedule
FYI - The sign up link for the PSAT will be posted within the next couple of weeks if you have not signed up already
Attention 11th graders: If you are currently in 11th grade and signed up at Gear Up for the PSAT then please note that The College Board has scheduled a new testing date.
The PSAT has been moved from October to Tuesday, January 26th. Please mark your calendars. More information and details to follow.
Important Distance Learning Documents
CAHS-PL 2020/2021 Handbook
Click the link below to see this years handbook
CAHS Gear now has an Online Store!
For help with your student's Social/Emotional Needs we have counselors available. Please contact either our school Counselor, Charles Threat at or our Special Education Social Worker Erin Cobos at They will be happy to set up a time to meet with your student virtually.
Club Information
Click here to see an up-to-date list of current Clubs at CAHS-PL
Click here for the New Club Application
Order CAHS Yearbooks - use school code "8324"
Senior Information
In case you missed it, here the email that went out on 12/16 with reminders for Seniors!
Senior Picture Information
Parent Volunteer Information
With COVID-19 making in person events unavailable, this has hampered our opportunities for Parents to volunteer. We are hopeful that as more events are allowed to happen, more opportunities will arise. In the mean time, the above flyer has a list of donations we will ALWAYS need and gladly accept. Please feel free to drop those off at anytime and then record those hours on the link above. Donations of Gift Cards are extremely helpful and will always be appreciated. Thank you for wanting to give back to our community! We can't do what we do without partnering with our amazing parents!
Community News
The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy High School and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.
Counselor's Corner
Laura Hughes, Lead Counselor and Classical Academy High School
Charles Threat III, Classical Academy High School - Personalized Learning Campus
Jessica Novello, Coastal Academy High School
Alissa Atkins, Classical Academy Middle School
Jennifer Meehan, Coastal Academy
Chad Chandler, TCA Bear Valley
Charity Marino, TCA Vista
Program Feedback
Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….
Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you,
Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Are you an Amazon Customer? Do you plan on making a purchase? If you answered yes, please keep in mind that 0.5% will go to CAO if you simply enter the site with
Once you have designated Classical Academy Incorporated as your charity, you must make purchases through (not for TCA to receive credit for your purchases.